13 children died in fire in boarding school

Yanshanpu, China.

thirteen children died till bedroom fire of one Training in central China, state media reported on Saturday, leading to a wave of Outrage on social networks,

At 11:00 pm local time on Friday, firefighters received reports of a fire at Yingcai Boarding School in Yanshanpu village, Henan province, the official Xinhua news agency reported.

According to this medium, thirteen students died and another was injured.

A teacher told Hebei Daily that all the victims were students in the same primary class, aged between 9 and 10.

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“The injured person is currently being treated in hospital and is in stable condition,” Xinhua said.

“Rescue teams immediately reached the spot and the fire was extinguished at 11:38 pm,” he said.

According to the same media, local authorities are investigating the origin of the fire and at least one person linked to the school has been arrested.

The area near the school was cordoned off on Saturday night, with more than a dozen police officers patrolling the area, AFP journalists reported.

anger in the network

Yanshanpu Village is located on the outskirts of Nanyang, a city of about ten million people.

The streets of the city were almost empty on Saturday night. Only a few curious people were left on the other side of the police cordon.

One woman told AFP that some students’ parents leave their children at a boarding school while they work out of the area.

In videos posted on social media before the tragedy, children, some of whom are of preschool age, are seen wearing costumes with the school’s emblem and other older students learning calligraphy.

On Chinese social networks, Internet users expressed their anger and demanded that the authorities impose restrictions if security rules were not respected.

“It’s terrible, 13 children from 13 families, all gone in an instant (…). If there is no strict punishment, his soul will not find peace,” wrote one social network user. China Weibo.

Deadly fires are common China Due to flexible application of low safety standards and regulations.

In November, a fire at a coal company office in the northern province of Shanxi killed 26 people and hospitalized dozens.

Eleven people died when the roof of a gym collapsed in the north-east in July China, And a month earlier, an explosion at a northwest restaurant killed 31 people.

In April, 29 people died in a fire at a hospital in Beijing, where some saved themselves from the flames by jumping out of windows.

Following the fire in Shanxi, Chinese President Xi Jinping urged the country to “comprehensively investigate hidden dangers in key industries to improve emergency plans and prevention measures.”


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