“Smarter than humans”: A tech giant’s disturbing prediction about AI

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tech giant Target (parent company of Facebook, Instagram and WhatsApp) joined the race to develop artificial intelligence more advanced. In this sense, he predicted that AI systems “will be smarter than humans in all areas.”

However, the company denied that the new artificial intelligence would dominate humanity, because “They will be very intelligent but obedient,

within the framework of davos economic forumYann LeCun, vice president and head of AI at Meta, assured that “over time or in the coming decades” we will see AI models that are more intelligent than people.

“Humans have very specific types of intelligence, we are good at some things and terrible at others. There is no doubt that machines will smarter than humans“, he highlighted.

And he pointed out that currently artificial intelligence systems start at the “intelligence” level.cat or dog“To try and improve reach human levelIn a process that is “more difficult” than thought and that will require work on new applications and models.

However, I considered that even though it is still far from reaching human intelligenceThe idea is to “build artificial intelligence systems that help humans in their tasks, not try to replace them.”

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Meta is currently working on a bracelet-like prototype that can detect muscle activity so you can type with your hand in your pocket.

“There is an idea that in the not too distant future we will all conduct all of our interactions in a digital world that is driven by an ai assistant, “Maybe it’s not a smartphone, smart glasses or augmented reality, maybe we don’t go to a search engine, but ask an AI assistant by voice, writing or gestures,” he explained.

Another area in which the use of Meta is expected to deepen artificial intelligence This is a commercial fabric. with uses like chat for customers Which replaces and streamlines communication with them.

Meta does not hide its objective of creating machines more intelligent than humans.

“Tools for everyone that allow us to unlock opportunities that make us more productive,” declared Nicola Mendelsohn, Global Business Group Director at Meta.

Meta Board indicated that if the top 500 US companies achieved Increase your productivity by 10%Which will affect the American economy approximately 2.25 trillion dollars,

On average, AI increases ROI by 32%, “a really significant figure that leads to stronger acceptance of these products,” Mendelsohn said.

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