15 years of struggle for medical treatment in Burgos

The lack of medical faculty in the province leads to a loss of talent and health professionals, which has been confirmed in separate studies by the UBU and the Collegiate Medical Organization of Castilla y León, after 15 years of unsuccessfully demanding the implementation of this degree before the Board. After in the capital. From the campus he estimates that the number of young people who go to other provinces to pursue these studies is fifty, and in the health sector it has been proven that in Leon and Burgos, where there is no possibility of training to become a doctor. , there are 100 fewer doctors per 100,000 inhabitants than in Salamanca and Valladolid, where degrees have been offered for decades.

This is explained by the President of the College of Physicians of Burgos, Joaquín Fernández de Valderrama, putting forward data from a demographic study of the profession in Castilla y León, which will be published in the first quarter of 2024. «The number of doctors is just over 500 for every 100,000 inhabitants in Salamanca and Valladolid while in Burgos and León it is 400, that is, 100 less. This indicates that logically, it is easier to retain professionals where the powers are.”

It should be borne in mind that one of the main problems faced by the Burgos health system is the shortage of specialists, especially in primary care and some of the main hospital services, such as anesthesiology and resuscitation.

UBU has been seeking this degree for 15 years not only to enhance its academic offering, but because it demonstrates with technical and economic studies that it has the capacity to launch it and sustain it over time, Apart from this, he also has great experience in related careers. Health (Nursing, Occupational Therapy, Health Engineering…). This approach is feasible by proposing a center with 72 places and 61 teachers (which would add to the 298 already present in the area’s faculties).

Regarding the implementation budget, the educational institution had already clarified to the Ministry of Education that it would be around Rs 7 million. Along with this, there is also availability of space for teaching from the beginning, which is in such high demand. There are young people who even go abroad to study medicine due to the impossibility of obtaining a place at a public university.

The board hides behind the cost and, as explained by the rector, Manuel Pérez Mateos, increases it to 25 million. “At this point, the support of political parties is essential, especially those with responsibility for the government in Castilla y León (PP and Vox) and social agents,” he said.

Back. The social and economic fabric of the city had already expressed unanimity in 2008 demanding a Faculty of Medicine for Burgos, a clamor that has gained stability in the fifteen years since then, and even more so after a pandemic that The shortage of personnel has been confirmed by the province’s medical staff.

(More information in this Sunday’s printed edition of Diario de Burgos)

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