Categories: Health

4 Common Diseases That Can Be Treated With Traditional Chinese Medicine

In western medicine, high level of expertise often causes excessive division in which we forget that the body is a whole, Thus, in the end, someone who is suffering from circulation problems, high blood pressure, high cholesterol, obesity, flatulence, arthritis, hearing loss or oral problems is forced to make a pilgrimage through the concerned specialists.

Furthermore, a lack of vision of the body as a whole means Each doctor prescribes the appropriate treatment for the disease that falls under his expertise. And the patient needs an agenda to control the endless medication.

Traditional Chinese medicine (TCM) controls energy flow In the organism, something “incomprehensible” from the point of view of Western science. This allows to address diseases that involve different organs simultaneously.

For Chinese medicine, everything that happens in the body and mind has its origin and cause in each organ, which in turn is closely related to the patient’s environment. no one should forget Interaction of the body with nature. The environmental environment determines not only the presence of one or another type of diseases, but also the type of treatment.

Below we take a look at four common diseases and what traditional Chinese medicine approaches when treating them:

1. Infertility, kidney imbalance according to TCM

The number of people suffering from infertility problem is increasing. Several studies indicate that Tension This is the main reason and there are people who blame it food control, On the other hand, stress may be a manifestation of dysfunction of one organ or of several organs simultaneously, and that dysfunction, in turn, may increase stress even more.

Traditional Chinese medicine considers kidney failure to be the main cause of infertility.essence and since qi (vital energy) Congenital. When qi Kidneys are abundant, the sexual factor matures and procreation occurs.

Infertility treatment in women

For Chinese medicine, the essence of woman is zoo ,blood), although paradoxically, it usually presents insufficiency and/or deficiency.

UterusThe place where the embryo is placed is requires adequate heat, That’s why:

  • When qi Kidneys are insufficient, one catches cold. Cold is a determining factor of infertility Which can also be caused by external factors (you should not sit on a cold surface for a long time, or expose yourself to cold weather).
  • The uterus also needs good nutrition and abundant flow Zoo. Meridian takes care of it. Chong And rain,

Other causes of infertility may be:

  • Lock qi of liver that doesn’t let it flow qi And this zoo, (And usually caused by emotional disturbance, disgust, pain, restlessness, fear…).
  • The spleen is not produced in sufficient quantities qi And Zoo.
  • Spleen, caused by dysfunction other unwanted substances By organism: tan (phlegm) and dampness, disrupting the meridiansS.
  • Finally, another trigger may be ecstasy. zooWhich blocks the channels.

Infertility treatment in men

For Chinese medicine, the essence of man is qi. Infertility in men occurs for the same reasons as in women, although their physiology is very different, and the most important causes also occur in women. kidney,

In the West it is believed that the more you have sex, the stronger it becomes and the better it works. This approach is very different from Chinese medicine, which says that Excessive sexual activity causes harm directly qi kidney failure qi Almost 90% of urogenital problems are caused by the kidneys. And besides, because it is a qi Innate and not acquired, it is not easy to restore.

  • For treatment, TCM is applied phytotherapy Appropriate as per diagnosis. Later, the plants are modified according to the growth of the individual.
  • In some cases it can also be used acupuncture Tone at different points, for example qi Eliminate kidney dampness by toning the spleen and stomach
  • In case of insufficiency, it should be implemented moxa With needles, especially in case of cold due to insufficiency Yang kidney.

2. Migraine, blockage of qi and zu

Migraine is one of the diseases that most baffles Western medicine. A large part of the population suffers from it, more in women than in men, Although there are a dozen or more medications to deal with it, none of them can eliminate it and most have a long list of side effects, including harm to the stomach.

migraine is a Severe, intense, long-lasting headache that occurs frequently With certain periodicity, which sometimes occurs in the partial region of the head vomiting, poor digestion and/or dizzinessAnd it paralyzes the lives of many people.

for Chinese medicinewhat calls tou-tong Any pain arising due to blockage, ranging from headache to qi I zoo,

Head, In Chinese medicine, it is the highest part of the body, where the brain resides, an extraordinary organ controlled by the kidneys, nourished by qi And this zoo The purest of all organs and where all the meridians meet Yang of the body: that is why it is called “”everyone’s union Yang,, He Yang It is the purest, lightest and most active energy But, depending on the situation, there’s always not enough Yang clean to the head Or expenditure exceeds supply.

according to Chinese medicine There are many types of migraine,

  • Liver-gallbladder type migraine Its pain usually occurs in the eyes, temples and vertex (upper surface of the head). This is a repeated throbbing pain, causing a sensation Photophobia, bitterness in the mouth, nausea, indigestion and even vomiting and dizziness. It is caused by Lock qi liver, Which turns into fire. the fire that consumes yin Lever, which loses its balance YangWhich grows without control.
  • second type of migraine The main reason for this is Splenic failure. This organ is not able to produce sufficient quantity qi And zooHowever, this can also happen because a person becomes very ill after suffering a serious illness or suffering from a chronic pathology. Weak, The pain is less intense, but very persistent, there is a feeling of dizziness and loss of appetite.
  • kidney failure type migraine (called “marrow ocean” insufficiency in Chinese medicine) usually occurs in older people or those with a weak constitution, and causes Not very severe pain, feeling of being empty head and slight dizziness.

Migraine treatment with Chinese medicine

What is migraine usually caused by? more than one reason And, since the body works like a chain, it cannot free itself from evil if treatment is limited to treating only one link instead of working on the whole.

Treatment of migraine in Chinese medicine, based on acupuncture, phytotherapy and Tui-Na massage, Unblock, channel and tone qi And this zoo Stimulating the organs to regain their balance.

3. High blood pressure, when ‘yang’ gets out of control

high blood pressurewhich in 90% of cases has no explanation to Western medicine, can cause dizziness, hot flashes, headache, and even such as reaching severe extremes fainting, stroke or heart attack,

Since it is a disease that affects older people more exhaustion of yin And zoo but prevents your control Yang,

According to Chinese medicine these are the following Reasons that cause high blood pressure:

  • increase of Yang Liver due to blockage in the liver. Its main feature should be taken into account Yangsynonym for movement, It is upliftment, restlessness and fire.
    Blockade is understood as obstruction in the channel through which qi And this zoo they are transmitted, They hydrate, nourish, and nourish tissues throughout the body: if for any reason the “pipes” become congested, a Short circuit that causes ecstasy, heat and pain,
    He lever block The state usually has its own reasons emotionalAlthough feeding There is another possible agent.
  • inadequacy of yin which does not nourish the liver and kidneys yin from the heartDue to which a fire broke out. This is usually due to old age or congenital factors.And at this point it is worth adding that the heart, for Chinese medicine, is the child of the liver: when there is insufficiency in the mother, the supply to the child fails, causing him to also become ill.
  • excessive heat inside yang ming, He yang ming This is the name that Chinese medicine gives to the meridians of the stomach and large intestine, two very powerful organs in abundance qi And zoo, When the digestive system does not work properly can cause many disorders, and one of them is collection of so and moistureWhich later becomes heat. summer in yang ming makes something clear Bad eating habits. The person is probably angry about taking excessive sweet, fatty, salty, and spicy foods Which are harmful to health.

4. Tinnitus or ringing in the ears and its relation with kidney and gall bladder

Millions of people in western countries suffer from it ringing in the ears For which there is no explanation or effective treatment in conventional medicine.

He tinnitus or tinnitusCommonly known as tinnitus, it usually appears primarily in older people, although it can also occur in people with a history of kidney disease who are suffering from chronic disease. In other cases, it occurs in people who suffer from a chronic illness or who have experienced a great disappointment.

For Chinese medicine, ear is the outer gate of the kidney And the gall bladder is surrounded by meridians. From that point of view, this disorder is caused by kidney failure or liver-gallbladder blockage.

In the first case, it kidney failure caused by wear and tear of qi And jing (Basal substance) of the kidneys, which translates as old age. The vital energy stored in the kidneys gets spent over time and this loss is seen Symptoms such as loss of hearing ability and bone mass, And according to Chinese medicine, the bones are controlled by the kidneys, as are teeth, hearing, sexuality, reproduction, urinary incontinence, and memory loss.

in another case, Lock qi liver and gall bladder Turns into fire. This fire rises up following the meridian and it manifests itself physically loud ringing that gets worse when unhappy or angryOr, it may also be accompanied by a feeling of lightheadedness, redness of the face and eyes, irritability, insomnia…

Treatment of tinnitus with Chinese medicine

Treatment of ringing in the ears due to kidney failure requires very long-term treatment, because you must Regulate and tone the kidneys, Whereas if tinnitus is caused by liver blockage, the important thing is to eliminate the fire using various techniques of Chinese medicine. toning yin As well as channeling the meridians.

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