A call to action for comprehensive mental health

Adolescents face a variety of psychological and emotional challenges on their path to adulthood, many of which can have a significant impact on their ability to function effectively in the workplace. Issues such as anxiety, depression and stress can affect your academic performance, decision making and social interactions, all of which can impact your later career development.

Within the framework of World Adolescent Mental Well-Being Day, celebrated every March 2, Generation Z is playing a fundamental role in the promotion of mental health and its recognition in today’s society.

Thanks to new generations, mental health has become more relevant not only in the social sphere, but also in the workplace. The younger generation demands something more than salary: Reconciliation, flexibility, training, a sense of belonging to the organization…

In the context of today’s labor market, where mental health is considered a key factor for performance and talent retention, World Adolescent Mental Well-Being Day is a reminder of its continued necessity. Adopt policies and practices that support youth mental health And, by extension, of all workers.

Human resources play an important role in this scenario. Companies are beginning to recognize the importance of supporting the mental health of their employees from an early age, implementing programs and policies that encourage emotional and psychological well-being from adolescence onward. Additionally, there is increasing focus on incorporating mental health education and support programs into school and community settings to ensure that adolescents have access to the tools and resources needed to care for their mental well-being.

In a world where mental health is increasingly recognized as an important aspect of global well-being, it is essential that attention is paid to the specific needs of adolescents. By doing so, we are not only protecting the future of our workforce, but also building a more resilient and equitable society for future generations.

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