A former Hamas hostage makes a shocking call to the father of his fellow captive (video)

Image of Agam Berger, kidnapped by Hamas on October 7, on a poster demanding his immediate release (Reuters)

“He asked me to wish you a happy birthday,” Agama Berger’s father, Shlomi, heard on the other end of the line. The person who told them was Agam Goldstein-Almog, a 17-year-old teenager who had been freed after 46 days of being kidnapped in Gaza, and was delivering a message from her daughter, who is still in the hands of Hamas.

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The newly freed hostage kept his promise in captivity, the promise he made to his friend.

The audio was just released, but the conversation dates back to last November 26, when in a car surrounded by Israel Defense Forces soldiers, Agam Goldstein-Almog called:

-I’m already out. I’m still in the car, I’m heading towards the helicopter.

-I understand

-I just wanted to call to say happy birthday. it’s your birthday. He asked me to wish you happy birthday. That’s why I’m calling

-I think it’ll come out from there.

-It will come out.

The dialogue was short but meant a lot. That call was the first sign of life for the young woman since October 7, when she was captured by Hamas militants.

A few days later, Goldstein-Almog shared details about the difficult conditions faced by Berger in captivity, including his refusal to violate his religious principles despite the hostages’ orders. Berger’s bravery and faith are highlighted while outlining his hope and concern for keeping his religious practices alive despite the circumstances.

Following the call, Hamas released one of its propaganda videos aimed at spreading psychological terror. In that clip, Agam Berger is seen in a worrying condition.

The hostage situation in Gaza keeps the entire country in suspense, with 134 people still held by Hamas nearly five months after a brutal incursion into southern Israel that left more than 1,200 dead and more than 200 abducted . The days are passing and the main suffering of the people awaiting the release of the kidnapped people is the dramatic conditions of captivity. The testimony of those who have already returned confirms the systematic sexual abuse that abducted women are subjected to.

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