à Landerneau, Adele are having their first child in 2024

He worked late and radiated the whole night. Adele à Point le Bout de Sun Nez at Landerneau Maternity Hospital on January 1, 2024 at 11 a.m. The weight of the beautiful puce is 3.10 kg. « L’acouchement s’est déroulé avec de la musique et trois roulements de sage-femmes », interpret l’heureuse maman, Morgan Jézéquel, 37 answers. “This is our third child, after 11-year-old Noemi and 7-year-old Milian, who are also here,” said father Dylan Petinek. The couple, who live in Landerneau, say: «At the launch of Paris Here Soir. Find out if Adele will be “Bbe Reveillon” or “Bbe Premiere de l’En”. On this: “It’s a little star that I love so much on Telegram!”. no point “.

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