The universe is one of those things that humans want more explanations about. For this reason, scientists and great minds have always created theories that help humanity understand how it works and solve the big question: why? This is a case of a theory that is overturning everything known about our universe and of course, like all theories, subject to what future observations may demonstrate.
This principle is that The universe is not expanding because of dark energy, but because it is merging into “baby universes.”,
Since the beginning of the universe, scientists have observed that it is continuously expanding and have gradually demonstrated that the universe is not static. But what is not yet well understood is what causes the universe to expand. A very famous theory holds that this is due to dark energy, but currently, a team of astrophysicists propose that the universe is expanding because it is in constant fusion with other universes in what is called a “baby universe”. Is.
This may seem crazy to you, but… what new theory isn’t that? As we mentioned at the beginning, this theory is subject to study and new observations. This theory was published in the Journal of Cosmology and Astroparticle Physics and the study’s co-author, Jan Embjorn, a physicist at the University of Copenhagen, explains the following: “The Universe would have to merge with the so-called “baby universes” to achieve expansion. to do.” Furthermore, experts point out that this theory fits better with what causes the universe to expand than the standard cosmological model’s theory.
Another co-author of the study, Yoshiyuki Watabiki, a physicist at the Tokyo Institute of Technology (Japan), told Live Science:
“Our late expansion of the universe differs from standard cosmological predictions and we believe that observations from the Euclid Telescope and the James Webb Telescope will determine which model best describes the current expansion of our universe. “
“Baby Universe”
The idea of baby universes was largely popularized by Stephen Hawking, who believes that these universes would be the product of black holes, meaning that each black hole that forms in our universe could give rise to an “baby universe”. That they are accessible only to an observer who passes through the event horizon of that black hole.
As you can see, this is not a new theory, what is new is the recent contribution of mathematical models that allow us to explore its hypothetical impact on the study of our universe. However, researchers believe that this theory lacks observational evidence, but this will not last long, due to the vast number of experiments currently existing and still active, which study the properties of the microwave background in detail.
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