A sex scene between Jenna Ortega and Martin Freeman upsets Internet users, intimacy coordinator reacts

“Miller’s Girl”: A sex scene between Jenna Ortega and Martin Freeman upsets Internet users, intimacy coordinator reacts. © 2023 Lionsgate/Zack Popik

After abruptly leaving the “Scream” saga in support of her co-star Melissa Barrera, and as she prepares to star in the second part of the iconic film “Beetlejuice”, Jenna Ortega continues her rise in cinema. The 21-year-old young actress is starring in the film “Miller’s Girl”, released in the United States on January 26, 2024 (and which has no French release date yet, editor’s note).

The actress shares the bill with Martin Freeman, and plays a gifted student named Cairo Sweet who will fall under the spell of her teacher, who is a failed writer and transitioned into teaching.

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The Student and the Professor, a Classic Trope

The story isn’t very original: The tale of a student who falls in love with her professor is ubiquitous in pop culture, even if it is increasingly condemned. Many people believe that it romanticizes abusive relationships and grooming performed by a man in authority.

Similarly, the age difference between actresses and actors on film sets is also being increasingly highlighted. And “Miller’s Girl” is no exception. But Internet users considered the scene “disturbing”, “shocking”, even “disgusting”.

Clarification from the Intimacy Coordinator

In what has become a common practice for the safety of actors and actresses, the production of “Miller’s Girl” called for an intimacy coordinator on the set. Interviewed by the Daily Mail, Christina Arjona confirmed: Jenna Ortega was consulted at all stages of the creation of this scene, to make sure she was comfortable. “A lot of people engaged with (Jenna) throughout this process to make sure she was comfortable with it and that she was very determined and confident in what she wanted to do,” she says.

She explains: “Part of my job is to support their decisions. I adapt myself to the comfort level of my actors, especially in a production where there is a large age difference between the actors. “I’m very aware of that.” Both my talents and making sure that we are constantly checking and none of their limits are being crossed at any point. And then, making sure – especially with someone very young – that they give their continued consent.’

The expert also specified that, for all simulated sex scenes, both actors were equipped with special underwear and protection to ensure that “appropriate distance” would be maintained. And yes, if both the artists are not comfortable then they can stop at any time.

Various scenes were tested in front of the public

Another factor to keep in mind: the production’s desire not to shock the public with a sex scene that is too crude. To do this, several variations were shot and presented to test audiences: “For this particular film, because of the sensitivity of the material, they had different variations in the way they shot these scenes so that the audience could test them. During screening to see if it was too much.”

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(TagstoTranslate)Jenna Ortega(T)Martin Freeman(T)Miller(T)Sean(T)Miller

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