A taxi driver attacked a man fighting with a bus driver in Montevideo: “Stop giving rest to those who work!”

The case of a drunk man being attacked by a taxi driver and an argument with a bus driver went viral

(from Montevideo, Uruguay) , Violent argument between a company bus driver Kataksa From Uruguay and a man who tried to board the vehicle, it went viral on social networks on Tuesday. latter He challenged the driver to fight.As can be seen in the pictures, a taxi driver stops his journey and attacks the man, who was drunk.

The incident occurred on the streets of 18 de Julio, near Convenience The entire center of MontevideoNear its historic neighborhood.

In the viral video, it is seen that the bus moves forward, but the driver has to apply brakes. man hanging from door “Trying to climb.”Are you scolding because I’m upset?he asks the driver. And then he refuses to get off: “I’m not getting off, I’m not getting off at all, you get off.” The man knocks on the door glass and challenges her.

According to the scene recorded in the video, the bus driver comes near him and opens the door of the vehicle TIC Toc, Anyone who films videos suggests: “Open up, break your head, man!,

The man runs a few metres, takes off his hat and the driver scolds him. ,If I am not a policeman then why are you calling me a policeman??”, he explains. The man replies, “You hit me, right?” Then, he signals that he will get on the bus and the driver stops.”I am not a policeman“, he tells her again and tells her that he leaves at four in the morning every day.

The discussion does not stop. The driver goes ahead, but the other man challenges him to get off again. One of his feet was left on a step in the vehicle, which did not allow the driver to close the door. ,I’m not leaving, I’m staying here“, Was saying.

A man who was arguing with a bus driver was hit by a taxi driver in the center of Montevideo.

Then, the man decides to get off the transport and The drunk youth tried to kill him, but the bullet did not hit his opponent’s face., “I’m not a police officer,” the driver insists.

in that moment, A taxi that was traveling in the other direction on 18 de Julio stops its march, Whoever was driving this vehicle came over and, He hits the man from behind who was arguing with the worker, which is left lying on the ground. ,Stop relaxing, stop relaxing the people who are working!“, the taxi driver now said to the attacking man. Then he caught hold of her legs and made her run towards the footpath. “Begin,” she said goodbye.

When the bus continued its journey the man stopped as much as possible.

Federation of Co-operative Societies and Transport Workers As he declared, aware of the situation Country Giovanni Spinetti, leader of that union. However, he did not receive any formal complaint on this issue.

President of Taxi Union, Oscar Dorado, told a Uruguayan newspaper that the union was not going to comment on the matter because so far they had not received any complaints. He further said that, what is visible in the pictures shows it. This is the worker who “rescued” the other.

In July 2023, another attack on a bus went viral on social networks. This was also a case involving a COATC driver and a young passenger who was asked by the driver to get off the bus.

,you disrespected me“, the young man tells her and the worker threatens to call the police. “Nobody went to tease her, I just went to ask her something.” If you’re in a bad mood, go home, take a pill and sleep,” the young man told her and finished the sentence with an insult, which enraged the driver.

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