A young Chilean teacher died in Cuba

CubitaNOW Editorial ~Wednesday 24 January 2024

A young Chilean professor died in recent days while interning with two other colleagues in Havana, Cuba.

Local press reports indicate that the young woman died due to health problems and her family has asked for help in repatriating the body to Chile.

“The Ministry of Education in La Araucania is committed to supporting this process,” he indicated. biobiochile,

The teacher was identified as Javiera Garrido Osores, 28, and worked at Arturo Valenzuela High School in Cunco.

“However, he died on Monday in a clinic in Havana due to medical complications. In view of this, his family hopes for the expeditious transfer of his remains to the country, as expressed by his brother Andres Garrido,” the above-mentioned media said.

Meanwhile, he said that “the secretary of education in La Araucania, Marcela Castro, contacted the family to express her condolences and offer assistance in the repatriation process.”

“The autopsy has already been performed by the Legal Medical Institute of Havana and, due to bureaucratic procedures, repatriation could take up to 10 days until his funeral can be held in the commune of Cuenco,” he said. “

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