According to an Ipsos survey, 58% of Peruvians miss work if they feel stressed: How to take care of mental health at work?

Mental health in the workplace is a topic that is being talked about more and more, especially due to the impact that the COVID-19 pandemic has had on the emotional well-being of employees globally (Illustrative Image Infobae)

In mid-2023, market research company Ipsos conducted a global survey mental healthIn which 31 countries including Peru participated.

The results of the Peruvians who participated in this survey revealed some worrying figures. mental health in our country. One of these data is that 58% of Peruvians said that when they feel Tension Can’t go to work at least for some time.

mental health This is a topic that is being talked about more and more in the workplace, especially due to the impact that the COVID-19 pandemic has had. emotional well-being Number of employees globally.

In addition to a work culture that promotes mental health For your employees, it is important to know some simple maintenance routines. self care In a working environment that can be decisive in dealing with day-to-day stress.

Removing unnecessary clutter and personalizing the work area with your own items helps reduce work stress (illustrative image infobay)

Maintaining a clean and tidy workplace is an important factor in improving productivity. emotional well-being In the work environment. It is important to have a workplace that is not only practical but also promotes a sense of peace.

You can start by removing unnecessary clutter and then personalize the work area with your items, which helps reduce work stress And increase focus on daily tasks.

Before starting working hours, creating a healthy daily routine can be useful to face work tasks with a better feeling. emotional well-being,

Hours before work can be devoted to practicing activities self care Such as doing physical activity, preparing and tasting food without hurry, reading a little or listening to music.

The hours before work can be devoted to self-care activities such as physical activity (illustrative image infobay)

This way, our work day starts on the right foot and has a significant impact mental healthBecause this will improve performance and mood for the rest of the day.

It should be kept in mind that Tension It can start with something as simple as leaving the house in a hurry, worrying about reaching office on time, not eating or drinking anything or not having time to enjoy a moment of relaxation before starting the workday.

The implementation of relaxation techniques like breathing is gaining popularity as an effective way to deal with stress. Tension and improve emotional well-beingEven in a work environment.

These exercises not only provide relaxation in times of stress but have also been proven to increase energy levels and promote a more balanced state of mind.

Taking a short walk, drinking a glass of water or doing light exercise are options that energize the body and mind (Freepik)

One of the breathing techniques involves completely emptying the lungs through the nose or mouth, followed by inhaling deeply for four seconds, pausing with air in the lungs for the next four seconds, for the same duration. Exhale and exhale slowly. A pause of four seconds before repeating the cycle.

This method of care mental health at work not only wants to reduce the level of TensionBut it also stimulates the production of endorphins, which lead to a greater feeling of calm.

Active breaks are short periods of time during the work day that help reduce fatigue Tension As well as to regain energy which allows us to increase productivity at work.

Taking regular breaks in the office can increase concentration when returning to daily tasks. Additionally, taking a short walk, drinking a glass of water or doing light stretching are options that energize the body and mind.

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