According to the government, violent deaths have decreased due to the implementation of the Fenix ​​Plan Security | news

According to the government, violent deaths have been reduced by the application of the Fenix ​​Plan, which involves joint operations between the armed forces and the national police amid the state of emergency.

Two weeks after the start of the state of emergency and declaration of internal armed conflict, President Daniel Noboa modified the curfew hours on 23 January.

Initially it ran from 11:00 pm to 5:00 am, but this was modified by the traffic light system by canton according to the level of vulnerability with each locality’s risk level: high, medium and low, and The hours were extended until 24:00.

Military and police officials said one of the most important actions is the reduction in violent deaths in the country, most of which are related to criminal violence and disputes over territories with criminal groups, the Communications Ministry indicated in a publication on its social network. , but did not disclose the figures.

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However, in an interview with this newspaper, Monica Palencia, the government and interior minister, said daily killings had dropped from 28 to 6.

Luis Córdova, director of the Research, Order, Conflict and Violence Program at the Central University of Ecuador, noted that Ecuador ended 2023 with 8,008 murders nationwide, which means a rate of 47 violent deaths per 100,000 inhabitants and Which places it as the most unsafe. Country in Latin America, even higher than Venezuela.

Palencia attributed the decline to the efforts of the armed forces and police, who have taken to the streets to jointly combat organized crime and drug trafficking following President Noboa’s declaration of internal war.

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General César Zapata, general commander of the police, quoted by the Ministry of Communications, explained that both institutions have high and intermediate value objectives in terms of criminal gang leaders.

Of the 238 intermediate price targets, 46 have already been captured and have been placed under the command of judicial authorities.

The results of joint operations include: 36,390 operations, 3,219 detainees and 158 of them for terrorism, 87 operations against terrorist groups, 32 persons deprived of liberty were recovered, the government reported. (yo)

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