According to WHO, Disease X will be 20 times more deadly than Covid.

Director General of World Health Organization (Who), Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesuswarned this week that disease “X” could occur.20 times more deadlyMuch more than what the world experienced during the coronavirus pandemic.

Ghebreyesus called on countries to sign pandemic treaties so the world can prepare for disease “X” during this time. World Economic Forum From Davos in Switzerland.

“It is better to anticipate something that may happen because it has happened many times in our history, and prepare for it. We should not face things without preparation. Additionally, we can also prepare for some unknowns,” he said.

Disease “X” is a hypothetical “placeholder” virus that has not yet been created, but scientists say it is “20 times more deadly” than COVID-19, the US newspaper New York Post reports. It is possible

“We lost a lot of people (during COVID-19) because we couldn’t manage them. They could have been saved, but there was no space. There was not enough oxygen. “So, how can you have a system that can expand when needed?” They said.

“X” was added to the WHO’s list of pathogens for investigation in 2017.

In early 2021, it was warned that an “X” outbreak could kill 75 million people and cause a pandemic every five years. It was claimed that the disease could be worse than the Black Death and could be caused by increasing human activities in the animals’ habitats.

In 2023, a new UK-based laboratory was launched to help study disease “X”. gate down A state-of-the-art vaccine research center is where scientists will work to ensure that future pandemics are stopped in their tracks and do not cause the same disruption to everyday life that COVID-19 did.

It was recently presented to the public and is based on the premises of UK Health and Safety Agency In Wiltshire.

While live viruses are kept in special containment facilities, researchers analyze pathogens that do not yet have a vaccine or for which vaccination could be improved, such as influenza, mumps or hantaviruses.

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