Adele explains the origin of the famous meme of her pouting

Adele's video during an NBA game became a meme.
screenshot Adele’s video during an NBA game became a meme.


Adele’s video during an NBA game became a meme.

People – now it’s time to focus on Adele. Filmed making a funny face during the NBA All Stars match in 2022, the video of the singer went viral on social networks. During a concert in Las Vegas this Saturday, February 17, the interpreter hello Broke the silence by returning to this moment that has become a cult.

“Do you remember that viral meme where I looked like I didn’t care about anything? I would like to make this situation relevant.” the winner of sixteen Grammy Awards told her fans before continuing. “The guys with the cameras came over and asked me twice: ‘Do you mind if we film you?’ , Despite her clear denial, they went beyond her wishes and filmed her without her knowledge, causing her to make a face in irritation.

“I ignored them, I looked everywhere except the camera, because I was upset… My face is also very memorable.”He added with a touch of self-deprecation, causing everyone in the room to laugh.,

A video that created controversy

This iconic sequence has been viewed millions of times on TikTok and has been widely used on the social network as a joke involving someone pretending to ignore something or someone.

However, after this video aired, Adele was accused of using injections to get fuller lips. A rumor which the singer formally denied during the concert. “My lips are naturally big… I don’t use these types of products. ,

He also said that despite his profession and fame, he did not enjoy fame. “I know it may sound strange, but I really don’t like being famous”, he admitted. Now informed, the public knows that it is better not to harass Adele against her will, at the risk of giving birth to a new meme.

see also further huffpost ,


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