After attack in Moscow, ISIS urges “lone wolves” to carry out more attacks in the West

The Islamic State (IS) terrorist group on Saturday released a photo of four alleged perpetrators of Friday’s attack on a concert hall on the outskirts of Moscow, where at least 133 people were killed according to Russian officials (EFE/Amaq).

Jihadi group Islamic State Called this Thursday lone wolf to execute them Genocide against Christians and Jews During the month of Ramadan in the West, citing the United States, Israel and Europe.

Spokesperson of the terrorist group, Abu Hudayfa Al Ansari, Those who went on celebrate the attack on the concert hall at the Crocus City Hall on the western outskirts of Moscow 143 died and about 200 were injuredAccording to data from Russian authorities.

In a 41-minute voice message broadcast on Telegram, the spokesman sent a “reminder message” to Muslims and said what was being done to Muslims in Gaza now was “what Muslims had to suffer twice a few years ago.” “Brothers in Syria, Libya, Iraq, Sinai (Egypt) and Yemen.”

“We thank the soldiers of the Caliphate for your efforts and pray to God that you succeed in reaching the land of Palestine Fight the Jews one-on-one in a religious war that will eliminate them all. In this regard, we encourage lone wolves to target Jews and Crusaders in all places, especially the United States and Europe,” he said in the message in Arabic distributed by Al Furqan Production Company, the group’s propaganda arm. .

He called the war in Gaza “the wound of Muslims” The fight is needed “not just slogans and slogans”, According to the speech, it was published on the occasion of the Muslim holy month of Ramadan and also to mark ten years since the establishment of the “caliphate”, which was self-declared by its first leader in late June. Abu Bakr al Baghdadi.

“And the fight against the Jews is not complete unless it is also a fight against their allies: a fight against the infidels and crusaders in all places. Starting from that, we have launched a joint offensive to support our families in Gaza and that represents the brotherhood among the loyalists,” he indicated.

Jihadist group Islamic State has called for lone wolves to carry out a massacre against Christians and Jews this Thursday (Reuters/Stringer//file photo)

Al Ansari thus repeated his message broadcast on January 4 in which he called for attacks against the United States, Europe, and the entire world, and in which he called for “not to differentiate between atheists, civilians or soldiers.” .

The message in Arabic, spread through the jihadist group’s usual propaganda channels, was confirmed by SITE Intelligence Group, an organization specializing in monitoring terrorist groups.

Al Ansari assured that he does not need to “give explanations” about the attack in Moscow last Friday Russia is a country that has “always been fighting against Muslims”, In the context of its intervention in Syria since 2015.

President of Russia, Vladimir Putinacknowledged on Monday that the attack was the work of “radical Islamists”, although he opened the door to speculation by pointing to the detainees’ possible ties to Ukraine after ensuring that an investigation would be conducted into “who benefits” from the attack. It is necessary to do.

(With information from EP and EFE)

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