After being fired from his job, Cuban put a sign on the balcony of his house

CubitaNOW Editorial ~Friday 12 January 2024

A Cuban man posted a placard on the balcony of his home asking for help after becoming unemployed and having no means of subsistence to feed his children.

“The opposition and former Cuban politician José Antonio Pompa López lodged a special complaint in front of his home after being fired from his job by order of the State Security, he assured the aforementioned media,” Cubanet reports.

Pompa Lopez said she was fired from her workplace because of her political leanings.

The poster reads: “SOS my children are dying of hunger,” and this was the way the activist denounced her situation, as she now has no way to feed her family.

José Antonio told Cubanate: “State security left me no choice but to go to the protests. They left me without a job and my children are dying of hunger. I don’t have money to feed them. “The dictatorship tries to break me with hunger.”

Cuban regrets the helpless situation in which he has been left to care for his wife and two children, a two-month-old baby and an eight-year-old boy.

“I thought about going to Villa Marista and presenting my complaint there, but no, I decided it would be better to do it right here, so that people know what these henchmen are capable of doing, against a government that protects children. But it is a lie,” he said.

Jose Antonio has been jailed twice for his political activism. “He was sentenced to two years and six months in prison for leading a protest in front of the Capitol in Havana in 2016,” Cubanate reported. In 2019, he was again sentenced to one year in prison on charges of “public disorder”. Today, state security personnel arrived at Cuban’s home and demanded he remove the banner.

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