After Stranger Things, Millie Bobby Brown returns with The Nineteen Steps!

Millie Bobby Brown surprised us nineteen steps, Is a new artistic chapter opening for the talented actress?

After enthralling the audience as a renowned actress in the hit series stranger thingsMillie Bobby Brown is set to conquer new territory with the release of her debut novel, nineteen steps, At just 19 years old, the versatile artist has revealed an impressive literary talent that takes us to the heart of a story that is as moving as it is poignant.

A moving historical journey

The book, to be released in France on January 25, tells of a little-known tragedy that occurred in East London during World War II. Inspired by her grandmother’s experiences, Millie Bobby Brown takes readers into a historical story through the character of Nellie Morris, a young Londoner who falls in love with an American soldier. The story took a tragic turn on March 3, 1943 when an air raid destroyed the entrance to a tube station in Bethnal Green, killing 173 people.

a personal and emotional connection

In a poignant press release from American publisher HarperCollins, the star of young woman Sharing her personal connection to the story, revealing that the novel is an ode to her grandmother Ruth, who survived the tragic event. The young actress expresses her honor of perpetuating her grandmother’s story which is dear to her through this book. “Inspired by my grandmother Ruth, this book is very personal to me and dear to my heart. I grew up hearing stories of his life during the war. “I feel honored to keep his story alive.”she believed.

Millie Bobby Brown proudly announces her debut novel on her Instagram account nineteen steps As a historical journey into the life of Nellie Morris.

In addition to her writing talents, Millie Bobby Brown is successfully pursuing her acting career, where she is preparing for the final season of. stranger thingsand her cosmetics brand Florence by Mills, which she founded in 2019.

A great recommendation from the editor for nineteen steps

HarperCollins rates Millie Bobby Brown’s novel an ‘A’ “Dazzling First Book” And a poignant story that blends love, desire and loss, drawn from authentic experiences lived by the actress’s family. nineteen steps It thus offers us a unique literary experience, which skillfully blends fiction and reality in a poignant and authentic narrative. So when will we get the chance to read this touching story in French? No release date for the French version has been announced yet, leaving fans of the actress and budding writer in suspense.

nineteen steps : Millie Bobby Brown’s next movie?

Beyond the book’s release, there’s another question burning on fans’ lips: nineteen steps Will it be adapted for cinema? The idea of ​​seeing Nellie Morris’ story come to life on the big screen is tantalizing, but there’s no confirmation yet.

Could Millie Bobby Brown, already acclaimed for her acting talents, make her debut as a writer or producer or even star as Nelly in a potential adaptation? Speculation is rife, but only the future holds the answer to this exciting puzzle.

After Stranger Things, Millie Bobby Brown returns with The Nineteen Steps!

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