Alzheimer’s: Scientists in Cuba and Mexico advance research for treatment. international | Alzheimer’s Medicine World

Havana, March 30 (EFE). scientists of Cuba And Mexico Develop a molecule that can help in joint research for treatment and cure Alzheimer’sGovernment newspaper Granma gave this news on Saturday.

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Preliminary results of one of these scientific projects revealed “Powerful Neuroprotective Potential” Cneuro-201 molecule At the time of “Separate amyloid plaques and prevent aggregation of amyloid peptides” (Proteins that accumulate in the brain).

Michel Valdés, general director of the Cuban Neuroscience Center (Cenuro), told the newspaper Granma that he confirmed “This product can cross the blood-brain barrier and bind to amyloid plaques, which are characteristic of Alzheimer’s disease”,

“From the results obtained we will be able to create a mathematical model that will allow us to design an effective and safe dosing plan in humans”Added the expert.

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The Center for Research and Advanced Studies of the National Polytechnic Institute, the National Autonomous University of Mexico (UNAM) and the Institute of Neurobiology, in collaboration with the National Council of Humanities, Sciences and Technology, participate in the study on the Mexican side. Mexico.

“With the participation of the UNM Faculty of Medicine and its Positron Emission Tomography Unit, we also work closely on C.”Creation of a method for early diagnosis of Alzheimer’s through the use of the Cuban radiopharmaceutical Cneuro-120,Valdes prompted.

German neurologist Alois Alzheimer described the disease in 1906, which is named after him. It currently affects millions of people in the world.

According to the newspaper Granma, 160,000 people in Cuba suffer from this type of dementia, which gradually destroys the patient’s memory and leaves him helpless.

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