America: Israel Reyes undergoes surgery on his right knee

He America Club lost indefinitely israel kingsa player who was injured in a duel Eagles and Shivaj In Concacaf Champions Cup After a tough fight he committed Victor “Pocho” Guzman and so they left it Aztec Stadium In the ambulance.

Why did Israel Reyes have surgery?

Through its social networks, the Azulcrema team updated information about health condition of its element, which was bound to happen right knee surgery,

“Club America informs that our player Israel Reyes He underwent surgery without any complications. “The procedure performed was surgical lavage and plane repair of the wound in the right knee.”

This also America Emphasized that “recovery time”. israel kings “It would be in line with his development,” which is why he didn’t give an estimated date for his return. Although it is not yet a fact, it is very likely that the ‘3’ of the Copa will miss the third duel between Águilas and Sacred Flock.

How did Israel Reyes get injured?

It was the last round of the game Lap of ConcaChampions round of 16 When? Kings -Received a strong sweep in a tussle for the ball. pocho guzman For which he had to lie on the playground.

The player was immediately treated by Azulcremas doctors and released from the field stretcher Because of the injury he suffered in right knee and immediately transported by ambulance to a hospital From the south of Mexico City to participate.

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