America: Santiago Baños criticized former coaches Solari and Ortiz

The US Sports president believes Andre Jardine has brought a balance to the team that his two predecessors missed

sports president of America, santiago bañosFormer Azulcrema coach described santiago solari As “a person who doesn’t like to take risks”, he described the team’s former coach as “disorganized”. Fernando Ortiz And believes that the current captain, Andrew JardineHas brought balance to the way the game is played.

,solari He was a man who did not like to take risks; He had very close lines both in front and behind, he did not like to leave space. A coach who was not very brilliant and who had not scored many goals, scored one goal and then started managing his area; “It made both lines very compact and it was very difficult for them not to score against the United States at that time.”

“He ‘Tano, Ortiz Not too aggressive, a little chaotic for me, or chaotic, but we took too many risks with both holding high at the same time; We left the centre-backs exposed a lot, one-on-one at times, especially because we didn’t play with as much sure control as they were. richard And fidalgoThat they both like to feel the ball, reach the area and hit long distance shots.

“Today I think we have found a balance in that position with Jonathan dos Santos, who remains more in front of the two centre-backs and generally Andre prefers one of the two defenders to give him balance. In the end we are left with three best stops and one restraint,” said Santiago. Bathroom in conversation with ricardo la volpe For the YouTube channel ‘Lavolpismo’.

In this matter, santiago baños In addition to emphasizing that there is a gap between young Mexican technicians and foreigners America You can’t afford to “try” with a coach with less experience.

“People get angry because we don’t give young Mexican coaches a chance. What I’ve experienced is that there’s a difference. We have a big problem in fundamentals because we don’t have coaches; we don’t have coaches like that. There are those who want: all the “-15’s want to work in the U-17, the U-17 want to work in the U-23, the U-23 want to go to the expansion and the expansion wants to go to the first division. Why? Because they want to make more money.”

“They’re not coaches, they’re not technicians, they say, ‘I’m going to stay ten years in the under-14s and I’m going to work and I’m going to train all the kids who come through here and I hope he makes it into the first team. And, “How do you deal with it? Well, in theory, we are equalizing the pay across all categories so that they don’t have this problem, but it is not that easy in a short period of time,” he said.

Regarding reducing the quota of untrained people in Mexico, santiago baños He does not consider this a solution to increasing the production of Mexican players, saying “only the good ones will play.”

“If you force a Mexican to play because you have to fill a position, the player may not be ready, he may play for a month and you change and then you put another second. And when a Mexican comes out diego lanezA edson alvarez, He comes out because they have the conditions and they are competing against a foreigner who is in theory better than him. “If he goes out and plays, it means he’s got something and he’s out there to prove it.”

“If you reduce the number of foreigners in Mexico, do you know how much the players will cost in Mexico? The good ones? How will you force Mexicans to play because you have certain quotas, then the average Mexican player The price of a hair would be three times higher because you are forced to have a Mexican player,” he concluded.

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