An investigation studied what veterinarians and students prioritize in the well-being of dairy cows

Veterinary professionals in Canada show a bias toward minimizing negative experiences rather than actively promoting positive ones.

An investigation studied what veterinarians and students prioritize in the well-being of dairy cows

In an effort to better understand the role of veterinarians in the welfare of dairy cows, a study conducted in Canada shows that veterinary professionals tend to minimize negative experiences for dairy cows rather than actively promote positive experiences. Show bias towards doing.

The study conducted by Canadian researchers, titled “The Perceived Role of the Veterinarian in Promoting Dairy Animal Welfare”, involved the participation of 78 veterinarians and 148 veterinary students. through a survey OnlineThey were asked to rate on a 7-point scale the importance of the veterinarian’s role in promoting practices that affect the experience of dairy cows.

The results indicated that practices aimed at reducing negative experiences were given the highest priority (average score of 6.8), followed by balancing positive and negative experiences (average score of 6.4), while activation of positive experiences Received the lowest score (6.0) for promotion. ), although all were given positive ratings.

By analyzing the qualitative responses provided by participants, four main themes were identified that illustrate veterinarians’ perceptions of their role in promoting the welfare of dairy cows. These topics included views on animals, producers, veterinarians, and society in general.

An interesting finding was that participants indicated that promoting positive experiences was less important than minimizing negative experiences, with an average score of 5.9. The researchers identified four additional themes that explain the relative importance of promoting positive experiences compared to reducing negative experiences, focusing on frameworks for comparing the two experiences, effects on animals, their role in Participant’s perception about and feasibility of implementation.

Thus, although Canadian veterinarians show favorable attitudes toward positive aspects of dairy cow welfare, the study suggests that their primary focus may be more focused on avoiding negative aspects of welfare. No significant differences were observed between the responses of practicing veterinarians and veterinary students in the quantitative analysis. This study provides a valuable insight into the perceptions of veterinary professionals in improving animal welfare in livestock systems.

Brunt Michael W., Haley Derek B., LeBlanc Stephen J., Kelton David F. Understand the role of the veterinarian in promoting dairy animal welfare. Front. veterinary doctor. Science, 18 December 2023. Section Veterinary Humanities and Social Sciences. Volume 10 – 2023.


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