Animals, source of welfare – Policy : Policy

Those who live with companions with more than two legs know this secret well. Animals, especially those considered pets, such as traditional dogs and cats, show a feeling of unconditional love that is difficult to find in human relationships. Whether in childhood or adult life, the attention we receive from our peers and the care that their lives, along with ours, require, requires a practical commitment that, often, leads to mental illnesses, physical or other Acts as a motivation when suffering from such types. Of trauma.

For this reason, animal therapies are increasing in the centers and institutions that provide them. Scientific research appears to support its effects: Living with animals is a pleasant source of well-being for humans., To what extent is this the case?

Of coexistence…

The influence most examined by experts is the influence provided by companion animals. Some of the most common disorders, such as Stress, anxiety or depression are reduced with an animal, And they not only improve the development of psychological conditions, but also help in the good development of physical diseases like heart disease, hormonal and metabolic disorders, epilepsy or Alzheimer’s. This was confirmed by a meta-study in 2007 Impact of pets on human life Carried out by the Santoro Research Group of the Veterinary School of the University of Antioquia in Colombia.

Therefore, it is not a subjective notion that being with animals makes us feel better. Playing with animals reduces our adrenaline levels, fights the symptoms of nervous disorders, while making us feel better and loved. When facing diseases such as depression, the attention that animals require helps to maintain a series of routines that prevent the negative progression of the disease. A clear example of this is going for a walk with the dog. In fact, during the three-month confinement in Spain during the pandemic in 2020, brief breaks to walk outside and play with dogs helped many people reduce the effects of mood deterioration during that period, as the results proved. We do. Nicolás Sánchez, researcher at the University of Málaga, published in 2021.

In childhood, living with animals helps build a person’s identity, provides self-esteem and security.

There are also benefits of living with animals in the house during childhood., especially in the early stages of cognitive development. The vigilant attitude of dogs and cats with regard to the well-being of infants and their protective attitude towards threats and aggression towards young children is well known. However, the integration of a non-human living creature into the family environment helps children acquire greater responsibility by sharing the tasks of helping animals, improving their ability to connect socially with them through activities and games. and promotes coexistence, among other benefits. Building one’s own identity, providing self-esteem and security in facing more turbulent life periods such as adolescence. An investigation conducted in January 20202 by the University of Jane brings together the findings of some of the main investigations around the coexistence of an animal in childhood and compared to children and adolescents who grew up without animals at home. They all reach the same end: The presence of pets helps to a great extent in the psychological development and maturity of children and adolescents.,

…for medical

This is not in vain, due to scientific evidence that the two areas of clinical medicine involve different animal species.

On the one hand, certain abilities of some animals are used to detect diseases. This is a surprising case of the pigeon, an everyday bird found in our cities. Although they are loved by the population’s biases, trained pigeons are able to correctly detect breast cancer 72% of the time by looking at images of tissue due to their specialized vision, which helps in early detection. Can help improve. A disease that causes more than 90,000 deaths per year in Western Europe alone. Furthermore, ants and dogs have also been trained to detect cancer samples and even sick people during the coronavirus pandemic, as was done in the latter case in the United States.

inclusion of Dogs, cats and horses as a means of treatment for people with various syndromes, in hospitals and psychiatric units, and in nursing homes and day centers. In all cases, close contact with animals contributes to a reduction in anxiety, worry about problems and a significant improvement in sociability. In the case of the elderly, the perception of loneliness, which is one of the major challenges society faces with older people, is reduced by pet care. Among the many institutions that provide these services, one of the foundations that has received the most awards for the quality and number of its projects and treatments is the Santoro Quirón Foundation in Murcia, which is committed to people with functional and psychological disabilities and which Is especially committed to the treatment of horses and dogs. Because animals are (no doubt) a source of indispensable well-being.

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