Anne Hathaway (The Devil Wears Prada) to support the strike movement at Condé Nast

While journalists and employees of Conde Nast (Vogue, Vanity Fair, GQ, Glamor and many others outside fashion) are on strike, Anne Hathaway, the heroine of the film “The Devil Wears Prada”, has left the shooting for Vanity Fair. Is owned by the group.

His departure was immediately interpreted by the international press and broadcast as support for the protesters. This does not mean that the moment FashionUnited publishes, it has joined the demonstrations, nor that it has words for the workers, but it is enough to publish the magazines front page and publicize the strike movement. Which touches the impeccable image. Expressed by the publishing giant.

Mini flashback: At the end of March 2022, 400 Condé Nast employees formed a union and communicated, exclusively through the Condunion Instagram account: “We are the workforce behind some of the biggest names in fashion, design, lifestyle and technology , but our achievements are rewarded with job insecurity and lack of benefits. We are so involved in our work that there is no need to say anything. We are calling on Condé Nast to quickly and voluntarily recognize our union so we can begin the work of building a better Condé for all. ,

Slogan: “The Devil Wears Prada.” Employees have NADA »

After more than five months, Condé Union has been officially recognized as a union. This is the beginning of a new chapter: negotiations over working conditions. And the debate escalates rapidly. First example: The union takes the side of contract workers at the end of December 2022. Condé Nast’s response, as described by union members, is as follows: “This week we learned that many of our valued contract employees (who do the same work as full-time employees) are being laid off right by the one-year deadline. “They have been fired before they become eligible to join a union. This is a flagrant violation of trade union rights and we will not tolerate it.”

A year later, at the end of 2023, the relationship between the employers, represented by Roger Lynch, CEO of Condé Nast, Anna Wintour, the famous editor-in-chief of Vogue, or even Cameron Bruce, in charge of the discussion, and even more It happened in the middle. 500 union members, sending chills down my spine at a time when fashion is non-gendered. Excerpt: “As the holiday season approaches, it’s disappointing to see our management provide a layoff list that would lead to teams consisting entirely of cis white men (the kind we’re looking for) . are seen as assigned at birth, editor’s note) and will impose additional work on those who are not on the list. »

All this will lead to strike movement and demonstration, Tuesday January 23, 2024. On the same day, Anne Athaway is shooting for Vanity Fair (Condé Nast Group). She walks out of the makeup room. His departure was then broadcast and interpreted by the international press as support for the demands. The symbol is strong, as everyone remembers his role as Andy Sachs, an employee faced with a tyrannical boss, Miranda Priestly, the character’s interpretation in the film is loosely based on the novel by Anna Wintour’s former assistant Lauren Weisberger. Has been done since.

Slogan: “The devil wears dark glasses when he chastises you”

Also, when Vogue ran the headline “If Andy Sachs had continued his career in the film The Devil Wears Prada, he would have worn this dress”, the union responded “If Runaways had a union, the film would have lasted thirty seconds “. To date, Condé Nast’s decision to lay off 5% of its workforce remains in place. According to The New York Times, the cuts will affect about 270 people (300 according to the union) out of the group’s approximately 5,400 full-time employees worldwide.

“Redundancies will be phased in over the coming months and the company will also take other actions, including reducing office space and eliminating vacant positions, to reduce costs and invest in strategic growth,” Roger Lynch said in a memo to staff. Has been.” , Note that the Vogue France edition, now under the control of Anna Wintour, has already gone through several restructurings aimed at reducing costs. This is at a time when the priestess of fashion is preparing to hold her Vogue World in Paris.

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