Anti-AMLO groups marched today

Juarez city.– Today, anti-AMLO civil organizations such as Poder Ciudadano and Si Por México called for a “March for Our Democracy”, with mobilizations planned in at least 23 municipalities in the state.

In the case of Juarez, a rally is planned from 10:00 am in the Plaza de la Mexicanidad where there will be various activities such as rap singers and photographic exhibitions. Then, at 11:00, the event is scheduled to feature youth activist Demi Muñoz and Edson Mata Moreno, an education student at UACJ, as speakers.

Following this presentation, a speech by former INE advisor Lorenzo Córdova will be broadcast live from the Zócalo in Mexico City.

The main slogan of this mobilization is “Our democracy should not be touched”, as well as wearing the color pink.

This would be the third time that these civil organizations would call for mass mobilization in “defense of democracy”; The first time was on November 13, 2022, when the executive sent an electoral reform that failed to be approved; Later on February 26 last year against the implementation of President López Obrador’s Plan B.


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