Antibiotic resistance raises alarm in medicine and academia

Self-medication, indiscriminate use of drugs and acquisition of drugs from the informal market are some of the behaviors responsible for antibiotic resistance; A situation that raised alarm bells in the clinical health and education world.

Data from the Pan American Health Organization, supported by the World Health Organization, indicate that the alerts respond to the fact that today more than seven million deaths occur annually globally, particularly due to infections caused by bacteria resistant to antibiotics. Are there. The biggest concern is that this number will increase to 10 million worldwide in the next 25 years.

Victor Silva Vargas, Doctor of Microbiology and head of the Medical Technology Program at the Catholic University of Temuco (UCT), explained that antimicrobial resistance (AMR) is a major threat to global health, because “it threatens the ability to treat many infectious diseases.” Puts it in.” Diseases, especially bacterial ones.

The problem is that in various scenarios, even in food production, the use of these drugs causes bacteria to adapt to the presence of antibiotics in the environment, resulting in mutations in them, which can transform you from a sensitive bacteria to a sensitive one. Dies from a medicine. , a highly resistant. This translates into the necessity of a more powerful product to get over it.

The reduction in the number of available or effective antibiotics needed to treat infections such as old wounds, urinary tract infections, skin ulcers or post-operation problems has also added to this vicious cycle. And what’s worse, those that may be effective have very high commercial value.


The scientist and permanent advisor to the American Association of Microbiology (ASM) reported that the causes of AMR include “misuse of antibiotics, such as self-medication; Or the behavior of people who do not finish or suspend their treatment. “That is what causes this increase in resistance.”

Once some basic problems are identified, experts stress the need to self-treat or purchase treatments at free fairs. He recommends trusting a doctor who prescribes a prescription “taking into account what the particular biological condition is, identifying the infection and the bacteria that is causing it” and with that data ” Prescribes a “dose” for a certain period of time. The person must follow that instruction to the letter.”

It is also recommended not to share antibiotics left after treatment; Since, the expert explained, “It is customary in our country that, for example, sometimes someone has a sore throat or feels like they have flu symptoms; So there is always some member in the family who has leftover antibiotics and the person thinks that by taking them they will get better.


As a proposal of the Academy, it is recommended to carry out training work for health professionals, raise awareness in the community and create adaptation programs in the use of this type of drugs.

While in training courses in higher education institutions, work is done to teach and promote the appropriate use of antibiotics and the study of them and various microorganisms in order to provide reliable information to the clinical professional, so that he can make the best decisions. Can take. ,

In the case of UCT, Dr. Silva concluded, “We also do promotional and outreach activities towards the community. We also run a campaign to talk to people leaving the university. In the case of our region, we participate in an interregional table for the rational use of antibiotics; Which is sponsored and organized by the Serra de Salud, where various institutions participate, including the various universities present in La Araucanía.


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