Apple AirPods do magic with Adaptive Audio option: How to use it

Adaptive audio allows you to improve noise cancellation and not lose your relationship with the environment. (Manzana)

In 2023, Apple revealed Adaptive Audio as one of the functions coming to the AirPods Pro 2, but it wasn’t until late last year that it was finally enabled in early 2024 and many users were able to try it out. Have been able to count the benefits of this technology, which provides an immersive audio experience.

This feature is exclusive top-end headphones From the company and is compatible with iOS 17Because a large part of its operation requires a cell phone, which will provide the user with control.

Adaptive audio can be similar to noise cancellation, which has been one of the most popular features of hearing aids in recent years, But it goes one step further and allows greater control over the environment.

This feature dynamically adjusts the noise cancellation level and transparency of the AirPods Pro 2 depending on the environment and user preferences.So as not to completely isolate yourself from the environment around you.

Adaptive audio allows you to improve noise cancellation and not lose your relationship with the environment. (Manzana)

For example, headphones will increase the level of noise cancellation when we are on the street or reduce it if we are working in the office. TeaEverything will be done automatically or manuallyWhich changes the relationship with the environment by being able to understand what is happening outside the headphones.

Adaptive audio works thanks to sensors and microphones in the hearing aids, This way it detects the level of ambient noise and user activity, adjusting the balance between noise cancellation and transparency.

To activate this function you must have an iPhone compatible with iOS 17 and AirPods Pro 2, as it is an exclusive function of these headphones, you must follow these steps:

1. On mobile, swipe down from the top right corner to open Control Center.

2. Touch and hold the volume control icon.

3. From the drop-down menu, select the “Adaptive” option under Sound Settings.

Adaptive audio allows you to improve noise cancellation and not lose your relationship with the environment. (Manzana)

Already within the function, a variety of uses will be offered according to the user’s preferences and how they want to balance the noise in their environment:

– Noise Control: Detects ambient noise levels and adjusts active noise cancellation, allowing the user to focus on the music or podcast they are listening to.

– Conversation detection: Recognizes when you are having a conversation, turning down noise cancellation so you can still have conversations with people wearing headphones. When the conversation ends, the hearing aids increase the volume to the previous level.

– Automatic volume adjustment: Not only optimizes noise cancellation, but also optimizes the volume of the content played.

It is also possible to activate it through Siri. In that case, you just have to call the Assistant with a voice command and then tell them: “Activate custom volume” or “Activate conversation recognition”, so that they can configure either of the two options.

In addition, within the options we can remove Adaptive Audio and choose other functions such as noise cancellation and transparency, the latter will make us hear everything that is happening around us.

it is important to mention This new feature is compatible with iPad running iPadOS 17 and Mac running macOS 14 Sonoma or later.Allowing you to enjoy different levels of immersion in different environments.

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