Apple Vision Pro comes under fire for malfunctions and cyberattack risks

The glasses were launched in the market in early February. (Manzana)

Apple launched its first mixed reality glasses called Vision Pro, which has drawn all kinds of reactions, whether their price starts at $3,500 or the way some people have been seen using them in public places because they Seems somewhat futuristic. Scene…

still, What has been overlooked is that since this is a completely new technology device And with a phenomenal operating system ManzanaThe computer may be subject to security vulnerabilities and failures in its operation.

ESET, the company in charge of threat detection, Warns about potential dangers associated with Apple glasses.

With these glasses, people can access various streaming platforms. (Manzana)

According to the above company, the points most vulnerable to malicious attacks or system failures are:


Although the device is based on pre-installed software from Apple, Launches a completely different operating systemWhich is designed to interact with the environment in new ways because it is mixed reality.

However, irregularities in its operation may arise that alter these interaction capabilities:

– Surcharge: If the presence of one or more applications overloads the system, This may cause the interface to freeze And, as a result, whatever the user sees when they turn off or restart the device.

The glasses have sensors and cameras. (Manzana)

Although overheating appears to be a minor effect, face exposure is certainly not appropriate. It is worth clarifying that the glass of the device does not contain a battery, which significantly reduces the risk of explosion.

– Changes in sensor and camera: One feature of the Apple Vision Pro is that it has two screens, which allows images and videos to be played in very high resolution, but also means that the user is not able to directly see the world around them; Everything happens through cameras and sensors.

If there are any changes in the behavior of proximity or acceleration sensors, they may pose a threat to the physical integrity of the user, besides all other applications may also behave abnormally, resulting in loss or inaccessibility of Windows.


It is common to see people using these glasses in everyday situations on social networks. (X/@jahvascript)

Due to bugs in the new operating system or Apple Vision applications, there is a risk of criminals exploiting security flaws.

Exploiting vulnerabilities is one of the tactics used by criminals to spread threats such as Trojans and ransomware.

In case of ransomware, the device will be prevented from performing its functions completely and victims will have two options: Contact Apple for help – since Vision has no interface that allows you to reinstall it. Allows direct contact with the system – or pay the ransom.

But this last action is highly not recommended because anyone who pays the ransom is funding the cybercriminal group and allowing them to attack even more victims. Furthermore, rescue is not assured.

Glasses process real images in layers. (Youtube: iFixit)

In case of infection with a Trojan, cyber criminals can have access to all cameras and sensors available on the device, viewing and monitoring everything the victim sees.


With Vision Pro glasses, privacy concerns may increase a bit more. The device has multiple cameras and sensors that map the environment and people nearby, this in itself brings points to consider.

A feature of this product is that it does not allow the user to see the world around him directly, that is, the product constantly maps and films the things around to bring this information closer. If users use the device outdoors, it will constantly map people and places without the consent of their owners.

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