Aragon will promote a commission to analyze the implementation of Medicare in Teruel

The Government of Aragon and the University of Zaragoza will soon create A working commission that will analyze options for implementing a degree in medicine in Teruel, as Aragonese President Jorge Azcon had promised in the midst of the election campaign a year ago. In this way, the steps taken in Huesca will be followed, since from September it will only offer full degrees after several years of teaching the first two courses.

one of the keys, The rector, José Antonio Mayoral, has reiterated on several occasions, Teruel Hospital to become a university hospital, “It has taken a long time to achieve this recognition in Huesca. In Teruel it will be a little more difficult, but what we have to see is What kind of features do we have that have training potential, Because the Official State Gazette (BOE) requires a university hospital,” he admitted in an interview on Aragon Radio.

perfect The BOE also details clinical performance indices such as turnover rates., business or unnecessary surgery, which must be completed. It also specifies that there must be the existence of a single entry service, methods of control and evaluation of the quality of care or independent access to polyclinics, emergencies and hospitalization, among other issues.

In this sense, the Rector recalled that it is also necessary to have health and psychiatric centers and stressed that the system that must be maintained In this, first you have to build a university hospital and then implement the degree.

Another option would be this Start only the first two years of medicine, as has been the case so far in Huesca. This possibility was already rejected by President Azcon last week and the Rector himself admitted this Wednesday that it could be “a little simple”. stillThey have continued to optimize the amount of teaching staff and the ability to add locations, This means that “there are doctors who have support as well as places at university.”

“The commission is going to study all this It will clearly state what is going to be done. When we have all that, we can grade,” said the Mayor, who reminded that the project for the improvement of the Huesca Children’s Residence has already been approved and that the contract for its construction will be issued soon.

All these processes will be carried out in parallel with the construction of the new Teruel Hospital, which is expected to be completed by the end of 2025. This new infrastructure will be called Obispo Polanco and will involve the gradual closure, as hospitals move to .services, of the previous one. Aragon currently has four public university hospitals.: Miguel Servet, clinician, and Royo Vilanova of Zaragoza and San Jorge of Huesca.


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