Argentina’s security minister asks for information on Maduro’s military presence in Chile

Patricia Bullrich Gonzalo Collini

Argentine Security Minister Patricia Bullrich announced that she remains in contact with Chilean authorities regarding the kidnapping of Venezuelan soldier Ronald Ojeda in Santiago de Chile a few days ago.

by NTN24

The official described the situation as “very worrying” and assured that both governments, both Chile and Argentina, “are exchanging information because there are a large number of Venezuelans, former deputies and former soldiers, who went into exile in Argentina. Are.” For the cruelty of the regime. Mature”.

“We are in contact with Chile to provide us with information about whether forces of the Maduro government are operating in Chile,” Bullrich said.

When consulted about the information she received, she indicated that “this is information we are processing” and insisted that she could not disclose it.

He stressed, “We are going to protect every Venezuelan in Argentina.”

In turn, the minister praised Nayib Bukele’s security policy in El Salvador, saying it was “a different judicial model to be taken case by case” and “a change that has allowed progress.”

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