Argentine youth who suffered a stroke in Mexico after witnessing a murder returns to the country with a strong claim to the government

The lawyer representing the Caamaño family pointed to Argentine authorities for not providing assistance;  The public complaint made by Marina Romano was directed at both the government of Alberto Fernández and the new President Javier Meili.

The lawyer representing the Caamaño family pointed to Argentine authorities for not providing assistance; The public complaint made by Marina Romano was directed at both the government of Alberto Fernández and the new President Javier Meili – Credit: @familia Camaño

Carolina Soledad Caamaño of Argentina suffered a cerebrovascular accident (CVA) after witnessing a murder in Playa del Carmen.Mexico, returned to Argentina to continue his treatment After being hospitalized abroad for two months. 31 year old He traveled more than 12 hours in flight due to the difficulties of moving a fragile and immobile patient. The journey started from the Mexican city of Merida, continued to Cancún, stopped in Panama and finally reached Córdoba.

His father Juan Caamaño told the program twelve tv The journey “was tiring for him.” And he lamented: ““The state it came in, it didn’t hit anything, it didn’t recognize me.”, In the same interview, she said that, just hours after arriving, her daughter was transferred to a Córdoba hospital, where she was again hospitalized. They then performed various studies to determine his health condition and what the next steps would be in his treatment.

Now when Carolina reached her country, His father stressed the urgent need to begin his full rehabilitation, However, The expenses are very high and the family does not have enough income to cover them.: “She needs everything, yet she doesn’t remove anything from the trunk. She doesn’t even speak, sometimes she makes gestures that show she understands you, like a smile, but nothing more,” she said of her daughter’s condition.

The lawyer representing the Caamaño family accused Argentine authorities of not providing assistance. The public complaint made by Marina Romano was directed at both the government of Alberto Fernández and the new President Javier Meili. Romano condemned that the woman had been abandoned and that there is “helplessness among Argentines abroad”.

And he noted: “They do not attempt to make reciprocal treaties nor have any legislative policy to make bilateral treaties that protect our people abroad, as we do with foreigners. Although Carolina was able to return home, her family and legal representative assured that she was Thanks for the support of those who showed solidarity with the case and donated money So that he can continue his treatment in Argentina.

Carolina Camano.Carolina Camano.

Carolina Camano.

This nightmare began last Sunday, November 26. After enjoying a few hours alone by the sea, the woman witnessed a crime, a scene that shocked her and, upon returning to the house where she lived with friends, she suffered convulsions until she Did not faint. It was his loved ones who immediately took him to the PlayaMed public hospital.

Caamaño remained unconscious for two days. Once the girl regained consciousness, Doctors discharged him “without doing any studies to see what had happened to him”.At that time it was explained in a conversation with his father Juan Antonio Nation, Two hours after returning to where she was staying, Carolina felt dizzy again and fainted again, so her friends brought her back to the health center.

“When he saw that they were doing nothing, his friends raised money and paid for an ambulance to a private clinic. there they made him A CT scan revealed he had a meningioma and a bleeding aneurysm. He was told that the latter was pear-shaped.”Added Juan Antonio. Due to lack of money, The woman was sent back to the public hospital, where they lacked the necessary equipment for surgical intervention. That’s why his family and friends decided to raise funds to immediately transfer him to another high-complexity hospital, where they underwent the operation.

Although donations continue, her family and friends are betting on solidarity and community support to be able to pay for Carolina’s treatment. That is why initiatives have been taken to raise funds and support through platforms and social networks.

(Tags to translate) Alberto Fernandez (T) Marina Romano (T) Javier Miley (T) Argentina (T) Caamaño

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