Artificial intelligence turns job hunting into tech warfare

In the digital age, applying to hundreds of jobs with just one click has become a reality, but at what cost does this convenience come. (pictorial image infobae)

currently available employment It has become a true “technological war” marked by the intensive use of tools based on artificial intelligence (AI). The job search experience, which may once have been considered a direct and personal challenge, has evolved into a competition dominated by bots capable of submitting hundreds of applications on behalf of candidates.

The competition to stand out among thousands of applications has driven job seekers to turn to employment services. Aye As LazyApply, On Large scaleone of two WonsultingAIWhich promise to automate the application process, presenting themselves as personalized and technologically advanced machines.

These bots apply to a large number of job offers based on users’ profiles and preferences, which can theoretically significantly increase the chances of being hired.

However, the effectiveness of these devices is under debate. In an investigation, from a journalist business Insider Decided to test these services and found a variety of results. some like bots sonara They proved less effective than expected, offered few workable options, and suffered from technical problems that limited their usefulness.

Others, like LazyApplyPromising to apply for a large number of jobs every day, introduced errors and incorrect data in the applications, which can seriously harm the candidate’s prospects in the job market.

Automated application services face criticism not only for their inconsistency, but also because they dehumanize the job search process, turning it into a numbers game where quantity is often prioritized over quality. HR departments express dissatisfaction at not being able to differentiate between human-generated applications and those submitted by machines, further complicating the selection process.

Artificial Intelligence promises to be the decisive ally in the battle to land the dream job, introducing candidates to a whole new playing field. (pictorial image infobae)

Additionally, these bots do not solve the fundamental problem of job searching: making personal connections and networking. Despite the promises of efficiency of these services, experience shows that personal recommendations and inside connections are important for getting a job. In many cases, the most valuable opportunities arise from human encounters and relationships, something that no AI can fully replicate.

Although Aye And while job search bots represent a technological advancement with the potential to simplify some aspects of the application process, they also pose serious challenges and limitations.

The “tech wars” in the job search highlight the importance of maintaining a balance between the efficiency provided by technology and the irreplaceable value of human interactions, personalization of applications and building a solid network of contacts.

(With information from Business Insider)

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