Where is Malaysia Airlines plane?

bangkok, malaysia Grace S. nathan He has yet to come to terms with the loss of his mother, who was a passenger on Malaysia Airlines flight MH370, whose disappearance yesterday marked the tenth anniversary of its disappearance, with only a few clues indicating it may have crashed in the Indian Ocean.

Nathan, one of the spokespeople for the families affected by MH370, said in a videoconference interview with EFE that he feels that all these years he has been asking himself the same unanswered questions about his mother, Anne Dassey, and the other 238 occupants. Are. MH 370. Boeing 777 that disappeared on March 8, 2014,

“It’s hard to turn the page when you don’t have an answer (…) We don’t know why the plane turned over, we don’t know where the plane is, we don’t know what happened and we don’t know why it happened. Ten years ago I asked myself these questions. I still do,” says the 36-year-old Malaysian woman, who lives in Kuala Lumpur with her Spanish citizen husband and two young children.

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Last Sunday, Nathan attended an event to commemorate 10th anniversary of disappearance of MH370 in Subang Jaya, near Kuala LumpurWhere attended by other relatives who continue to search for answers about one of aviation’s greatest mysteries, MH370.

The next day, Malaysian Prime Minister Anwar Ibrahim said this His country is prepared to reopen the investigation if “concrete” evidence is found, a blow to the families’ hopes.

“I think there is a possibility that the search will be resumed,” says the Malaysian, who adds that Ocean Infinity, the company that last searched for the plane in 2018, is ready to resume it.

Despite the good news, Nathan admits that his mood changes daily and recalls the first days and weeks after the disappearance of flight MH370, about 40 minutes after flying from Kuala Lumpur to Beijing, as a “roller coaster”. Are.

His mother was planning to fly to China to meet her husband a week earlier, but had to delay the trip and had to fly on a Boeing 777.

Nathan, who was studying law in Britain at the time, took a flight to Kuala Lumpur as soon as his father told him that something had happened to the plane.

“I had no internet and it was the longest 14 hours of my life because I had no idea what had happened,” says the Malaysian, who currently works as a criminal lawyer in her home country.


Over the following days, weeks and months, Nathan, his father and sister, as well as the relatives of the rest of the plane’s passengers, remained in agony due to the lack of information and the great attention of the international media.

Gradually, some details of what happened to MH370 began to become known due to analysis of military radar and Inmarsat satellites.

According to the official investigation, someone shut down the communications system and when the plane entered Vietnamese airspace it turned south-west, crossed the Malaysian Peninsula and continued flying for about six hours until it landed in India. Didn’t crash into the ocean.

Theories about what happened range from one of the pilots deliberately shooting down the plane, to a technical failure or even it being hijacked.

Nathan prefers to stick to evidence and verified information, such as some fragments of the aircraft found in some places in the Indian Ocean, although two extensive search expeditions have not found the main part of the device.

last words

Malaysian lawyers and other family members maintain contact through the support group Voice 370, which spreads information on social networks and organizes events to remember the tragedy.

However, he admits that he sometimes talks about his mother in the present tense, as if she simply “went on vacation” because he cannot believe that she is no longer here.

She also clearly remembers her mother’s last words as she told her “I love you”, which is not often said in Asia.

“We don’t say it verbally. Maybe you write it on a Christmas card or a birthday card or something, but then he told me he loved me and I remember I thought, oh, that’s weird, but I told him that too That ‘I love you’ and I’m glad I did because it was our last conversation,” Nathan recalls.

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