At least 73 people were killed in explosions at an event marking the fourth anniversary of the death of Iranian General Qassem Soleimani.

State television said two explosions were heard near Soleimani’s burial site.

at least 73 people died and 170 people were injured two explosions happened in the city of kermanIn iranduring Fourth anniversary of the death of General Qasim SulemaniDistinguished Iranian Quds Force chief who lost his life bombing a convoy which was located around the airport BaghdadIn January 2020.

The democratic regime’s state television said two explosions were heard near Soleimani’s burial site.

semi-official media nournews it specified “Several gas canisters exploded on the road leading to the cemetery.”, Iranian state media quoted a local official as saying that “it is still unclear whether the explosions were caused by gas or a terrorist attack.”

State television said two explosions were heard near Soleimani’s burial site.

However, the deputy governor of Kerman called the blasts a “terrorist act”.

According to official agency iRNAThe first explosion occurred 700 meters away from the grave of General Suleimani and the second one occurred one kilometer away from it.

On its part, Iranian News Agency TasneemQuoting informed sources it has been reported that the bombs that exploded near the grave of General activated by remote control,

“Two bag bombs exploded at the scene,” said the agency, which is considered close to Iran’s Revolutionary Guard Corps, whose Quds Force was led by Soleimani before his killing in 2020.

State television said two explosions were heard near Soleimani’s burial site.

According to the Iranian agency, the explosions scattered many people present in the Kerman cemetery and ambulances rushed to take the injured to the city’s hospitals.

pray phalahThe head of the Red Crescent of Kerman province told iRNA that something till now 170 injured people have been taken to hospitals,

Fallah also said that a loud explosion was heard and authorities were investigating what caused it.

State television said two explosions were heard near Soleimani’s burial site.

Thousands of people gathered at the cemetery this Wednesday to mark the anniversary of Soleimani’s death, which is considered one of the martyrs of revolution in Iran.

Last week, Iran’s regime said that Hamas attacks on Israel were a “Revenge” for the death of General Qasim Suleimani.,

An Iranian holds a photo of Qassem Soleimani during a protest in Tehran, Iran on October 28, 2022. WANA (West Asian News Agency) via Reuters/File

Revolutionary Guard spokesman Ramzan Sharif said that “‘Al Aqsa flood’ (the name of the Hamas operation) This was one of the revenge of Soleimani’s killing By the United States and the Zionists.

Later, Hamas denied the Iranian version.

“We deny the validity of what was said by Iranian Revolutionary Guard spokesman Ramadan Sharif regarding the ‘Al Aqsa Flood’ operation,” a statement from the terrorist group said.

“We have repeatedly stated the objectives and reasons of the operation, the main of which are the blatant threats against the Al Aqsa Mosque,” the text stressed, reports the Palestinian News Agency. Value, In this sense, he stressed that “any reaction of Palestinian resistance comes as a reaction to the occupation and aggression (by Israeli authorities) against the Palestinian people and their holy places.”

(With information from Europa Press, EFE and AFP)

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