Awarded for helping the well-being of people

Saturday, March 23, 2024, 10:57

The Official College of Psychology of La Rioja granted seven recognitions and a mention last night within the framework of the presentation of awards to those people and institutions that contributed to disseminating and actualizing psychology’s objectives of facilitating well-being Is- existence of people. People and organizations besides promoting social progress. The ceremony, which was held at the F&G Hotel and enlivened by a musical performance, also served to honor psychologists with 25 years of membership who received awards commensurate with their professional careers and, for their part , to new members. As it turned out, he was presented with the pin and code of conduct of the collegiate organization as an expression of welcome and good wishes in his visit to the COP of La Rioja.

The winners also include Roberto González Lastra, journalist of Diario La Rioja, in recognition of “the rigorous communication he has done about the psychological needs of people and society and the responses of psychology professionals.” The Pro-Childhood Association of Riojana, APIR, was also recognized for its 43-year history of caring for vulnerable children in Riojana, guaranteeing their rights and psychological well-being. The Social Services Coordination Centers of the Rioja Baja, Centro and Rioja Alta communities were also honored for the interventions carried out by psychology professionals to meet the psychological needs of the population.

The Psychology 2024 Awards were also given to two university doctors for their contributions to the teaching of psychology. Cristina Sanz Fernandez received the distinction for her doctoral thesis ‘Analysis of psychological profile in federal athletes and popular runners’ and was defended by Julia Pérez Sanz for her doctoral thesis ‘Evaluation of problematic Internet use in adolescence’.

In addition, the studies developed by Andrea Gutiérrez García on ‘Experiences of sexual violence among youth of the University of Rioja’ and ‘X-ray of prostitution seekers in La Rioja: profiles, motivations and attitudes on prostitution’ were mentioned.

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