BANDESAL and FSV also lend to representatives of Nuevas Ideas

BANDESAL, which services productive sectors, gave a $156,000 loan to Cabañas deputy Rodil Amilcar Ayala. While FSV gave a loan of approximately $60,000 to Norma Lobo to buy two houses.

In addition to the 12 representatives of Nuevas Ideas who received loans from Banco Hipotecario, there are two other legislators belonging to the party who also received mortgage loans from other state institutions.

Cabañas deputy Rodil Amilcar Ayala bought a house in the El Calvario neighborhood of Ilobasco on December 28, 2018, which cost him $55,000.

On March 18, 2021, the Development Bank of El Salvador (BANDESAL) granted them an open mortgage loan of $156,000, putting this property as collateral. The credit period is 15 years.

When she received it, Ayala was elected to a seat in the 2021-2024 legislature. In other words, after just three years, the entity valued the property at a figure that was $100,000 less than it was before. The price of that property increased by 280%.

A characteristic of the loans offered by Banco Hipotecario, revealed by Focus, is that details such as the monthly payments to be paid are not specified. This is reiterated in the open mortgage document signed between Ayala and Bandesal.

WATCH: Banco Hipotecario grants $4.9 million loan to Nuevas Ideas Circle

For Ruth Lopez, head of anti-corruption and justice at Cristocel, the main problem in this case is that the guarantee does not cover the outstanding amounts, which is complicated in an institution created, above all, to support medium and small business. Can. Area. In its development.

El Diario de Hoy tried to communicate with Ayala through his personal phone, through messages through the WhatsApp application and through calls. Interaction was also held with the communication staff of New Ideas in the Legislative Assembly. No response had been received till the time of writing this note.

BANDESAL is an organization that has already been accused of mismanagement. According to the Office of the Attorney General of the Republic, Juan Pablo Durán, its president between June 2019 and March 2022, was captured in September 2023 on charges of arbitrary acts damaging the public administration and the crimes of improper bribery. ,

During Duran’s administration, Bandesel was nominated by the Legislative Assembly to manage a $150 million fund to drive Bitcoin adoption in the country and information related to this stake was kept under confidentiality.

A social interest institution that finances a deputy

The Social Housing Fund (FSV) has also provided mortgage loans to the New Ideas Deputy.

Agricultural engineer and Freedom’s legislator Norma Lobo acquires two adjacent houses in San Juan Opico, Ciudad Marseille, June 15, 2022.

The earlier value was $29,999.23, of which the fund lent him $28,694.53, or 95.6% of the total. The interest rate was 5.85% per annum. The second one had the same value as the previous one, but, on this occasion, the fund lent it an even larger percentage, 99%. That is to say, on this occasion, the representative had to contribute only 1% as premium to purchase this house. The same interest rate was applied. Therefore, the combined value of both is $60,000.

Norma Lobo belongs to three standing commissions within the Legislative Assembly. He was on the commission for water law. Photo EDH/archive

Unlike the loans granted by Banco Hipotecario and Bandesal, the mutual loans established between Lobo and the Social Housing Fund define monthly installments to be paid of $195 and $201, respectively.

To obtain Norma Lobo’s version, attempts were made to personally contact her communications team at the Legislative Assembly, but there was no response to the request.

Its website states that the fund was created to “contribute to the solution of the housing problem of workers, by providing them with reasonable means of obtaining comfortable, clean and safe homes”. Therefore, providing financing facilities to top level public officials like deputies is far from its spirit. A legislator in the field, like Lobo, earns $4,025.72 per month without any exemptions.

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