Bankinter celebrates the 5th anniversary of its health and wellness program

These days, Bankinter is about Celebration:have been completed 5 years since the launch of your health and wellness program ‘Bankinter takes care of you’. A five-year commitment to people’s well-being, working on healthy lifestyle habits that unites them around a global program they are very proud of.

for this reason Ana García Orden, Director of Internal Communicationscreator and strong protector ‘Bankinter takes care of you’Wanted to celebrate these five years with a video and thank everyone who works at Bankinter for their participation in the program, as well as highlight the achievements made during this long journey.

After the first launch five years ago, it began to actively listen to employee concerns, which highlighted the need to be more connected. For this reason, it was decided to take a step forward with the digitalization of the program through the application United Heroes: A platform based on teamwork to promote cohesion and work together on projects with social and environmental impact addressing collective challenges.

Digitalization made it possible to make ‘Bancinter Care for You’ not only a national program, but also to cross borders and become a global program of the Bankinter Group, together with EVO Banco in Portugal to respond to the challenges in Spain. Can be faced. Ireland and Luxembourg.

Currently, Bankinter is based on your care Five pillars that represent the five main dimensions of well-being: Physical well-being, social well-being, emotional well-being, intellectual well-being and economic well-being.

During 2024, the program primarily seeks to focus its attention on:

  • How to have a healthy diet as a source of energy?
  • Road safety is an essential element for many employees who use cars or motorcycles in their daily transportation.
  • Sleep hygiene as a guarantee of health.

they will keep going like this developing initiatives To ensure these and other objectives are reached along the way: Identify and respond to needs.

Five years ago, the team responsible for the program asked employees about their health: what they understand by health, how they take care of themselves, what habits they have incorporated into their lives or which What are they missing, what are the barriers they faced when it came to improving those habits and they thought Bankinter could support them and help them move forward. he was asked Opinion on Implementation of Welfare Program in the Bank And his testimony was recorded in the launch video transmitted at that time. Five years later, the Bankinter team takes care of you, is confident and assured of the good work of the program, and has thought it appropriate to ask the same employees again about the balance and remarkable achievements of these years. The results far exceed expectations.

He Video 5th anniversary reveal simple and honest testimony The true heroes of the program about how on the one hand the objective of incorporating new healthy habits into their lives has been achieved and on the other hand, its wider impact on building the team and the company through the challenges they have worked on Is kept. People from different headquarters, cities and even different countries, without knowing each other, have united their efforts to make significant achievements, strengthening the emotional bond that connects them to Bankinter and Connects to their values ​​and strengthens their commitment to the company’s purpose. ,

Don’t miss what Bankinter employees tell us about well-being in this video and feel free to give them congratulations and lots of congratulations:

Congratulations, Bankinter takes care of you! Let’s go another five years!

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