Bill Gates was right again! millionaire’s prediction that came true

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  • Bill Gates’ prediction comes true once again: what he said about the democratization of artificial intelligence
  • What was Bill Gates’ prediction that connects artificial intelligence and science?

Bill Gates He got it right again on his last try Prediction About the democratization of artificial intelligence in 2023 And this was not his only prediction that came true.

Microsoft’s billionaire founder usually ends his career each year. Letter With forecasts on technological trends and advancements based on their wide access to information and their links with leaders in the field which makes them more accurate. In this case, the tycoon returned Kill,

Bill Gates’ prediction comes true once again: what he said about the democratization of artificial intelligence

At first, Gates argued that application software such as chatgpt Will be “democratized” on mobile devices and thus, a larger portion of the world’s population will be able to access them more easily tool,

Precisely, his prediction came true a few days ago when Samsung adopted artificial intelligence for its cell phone with detail Galaxy AI, The advancements announced by the Korean giant are made up of its own technologies, which it has worked on together with other commercial partners Google And Microsoft.

is one of the main functions live translationAlready installed on smartphones, which not only translates audio but also provides call transcription on the user’s screen.

Bill Gates predicted that mass adoption of AI would come along with cell phones, and he was right.

What was Bill Gates’ prediction that connects artificial intelligence and science?

One of the topics with which the technology giant is most associated outside its company is the health sector. Gates usually launches various forecasts and analyzes about the progress of science in health matters and his letter at the end of the year was no exception.

In fact, one of the main projects of the Gates Foundation, which he led together with his ex-wife, was aimed at developing dishes with antibiotics, supported by data software. However, their second breakthrough came with vaccines.

The tycoon pioneered not only advances in cell phones, but also in health and microchips.

The latest advances in new vaccinations with messenger RNA that combat alopecia, high cholesterol And this melanoma It was given with the help of Artificial Intelligence. This completes a new statement from the giant regarding the relationship between this technology and health.

Finally, Gates mentioned that AI will be the main driver of development from “A” sweeping wave of innovation“Precisely, giants like Intel and AMD work with this software to create new NVIDIA chips that exponentially increase the stock market value of the companies selling them.

(TagstoTranslate)Bill Gates(T)Artificial Intelligence(T)Predictions

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