The US destroyed an anti-ship missile fired by Houthi rebels in Yemen following an attack on a British oil tanker in the Gulf of Aden.

The US destroyed an anti-ship missile fired by Houthi rebels in Yemen following an attack on a British oil tanker in the Gulf of Aden. (Europa Press/MCS Rylin Paul)

This Saturday the US Army bombed anti ship missile of Houthi rebels After a movement backed by the Iranian regime in Yemen attacked a British oil tanker, he was ready to be shot Gulf of Aden,

He US Central Command in the area (CENTCOM) indicated that it launched a strike against “an anti-ship missile” on Saturday morning the Red Sea And it was ready for launch.

,The army carried out the bombardment in self-defense and destroyed the missile.“, added CENTCOM and assured that “this action will protect.” freedom of navigationin the Red Sea and “will make international waters safe for U.S. Navy ships and merchant vessels.”

Hours earlier, the Houthis, who controlled FuryYemen’s capital claims to have fired “missiles” at a “British tanker” marlin luanda,

military spokesman for the rebels, yahya sareeThe Palestinian Authority assured in a statement that the attack was carried out in solidarity with the Palestinian people and “in response to British and American aggression against our country”.

private marine risk company umbre Earlier it was told that a merchant ship It was hit by a missile off the coast of Yemen, causing a fire on the ship.

Since mid-November, the Houthis, in solidarity with Palestinian militants in Gaza, have attacked ships in the Red Sea they consider linked to Israeli interests. (Europa Press)

CENTCOM later confirmed the attack, noting that “the ship issued a distress call and reported damage. She USS Carney And other international coalition ships in the Red Sea responded and provided assistance. There is no report of anyone being injured.

From mid-November, Houthis They have attacked ships in the Red Sea they consider linked to Israeli interests, in solidarity with Palestinian militants in Gaza.

His campaign has been hampered sea ​​transportation and led usa And United Kingdom To counter-attack. The Houthis have since declared that the interests of both of these powers are also legitimate objectives.

Tensions in the region have caused major shipping companies around the world to continue to adjust their routes to avoid transit through this sea route, through which 8% of the world’s grain trade, 12% of oil trade and 8% of liquids international trade passes. Business happens. natural gas.

trade that circulates through Suez Canal There has been a 42% drop over the past two months, a UN agency warned on Thursday, warning that attacks on ships in the Red Sea increase tensions on other sea routes. Panama CanalTroubled by climate change.

Rebel military spokesman Yahya Saari said in a statement that the attack was carried out in solidarity with the Palestinian people. (AP/Osama Abdulrahman)

Jan Hoffmann, head of trade logistics at the conference, warned, “We are concerned that attacks on Red Sea shipping will increase tensions in the context of geopolitics and disruption to global trade due to climate change,” such as at the Panama Canal. United Nations on Trade and Development (UNCTAD).

weekly transit of container ship The number of oil tankers declined by 67% compared with a year earlier, the number of oil tankers declined by 18% and the number of dry cargo bulk carriers – those that transport, for example, grain or coal – declined by 6%. .

Gas carriers, which transport liquefied natural gas (LNG), have stopped transiting the Suez Canal in Egypt, through which about 12% to 15% of global trade previously circulated, according to Hoffman.

(With information from EFE, Europa Press and AFP)

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