Brazil forms joint venture with Cuba for fodder production

A feed factory will be inaugurated in Cuba by the Brazilian government to benefit pig and poultry farming on the island. According to Granma newspaper, the necessary raw materials will arrive by the end of February.

Therefore, the industry is expected to open up in the same period. It is a mixed company composed of Brazilian Bioamazonas Pienção SA and Sociedad Mercantil Ganaderia SA. The latter is directed by Cuba’s María Dolores Rivero Díaz.

In this sense, the official expressed that at first only feed for poultry and pigs will be produced. However, its production volume is expected to increase in the future and be able to guarantee food for many animals.

But, another objective of the industry is to provide raw materials, inputs and other components of the animal feed logistics chain. All this is intended to benefit pig and poultry producers, who have been facing a serious crisis in feeding their animals for years.

When will operations start?

The idea so far is to start feed production at the end of February, when the first consignment of raw materials arrives.

Therefore, with 50 tons per hour, the alliance aims to bring the Cienfuegos feed factory to its maximum production capacity.

It so happens that the country’s largest animal feed factory, located in Santiago de Cuba, faced assembly delays due to lack of inputs. In fact, since its construction started in 2019, only 10% has been completed.

Furthermore, many producers surrendered their licenses due to lack of food for the animals, causing pork production to almost disappear in provinces such as Las Tunas.

Similarly, the number of pigs has declined alarmingly in recent years. An example of this occurred in 2022, where the government only had 6,839 pigs in that province.

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