Businesses without electronic payments in Cuba face fines, closure and seizure

The Cuban government does not want cash circulating on the streets, so businesses without the option to receive electronic payments will face fines, closure, and seizure.

The regime recalled in the official press that the next February 2, Candlemas DayThe Resolution 93/2023 Ministry of Domestic Trade (MINSIN).

New rule requires all businesses in Cuba to have option enabled for customers electronic payment,

“It has been established as a requirement for commercial establishments to have facilities subject to registration in the Central Commercial Registry (RCC) Payment through National Gateway or point-of-sale terminals for marketing goods and services to the consumer,” he indicated. Granma,

The official media acknowledged that “the electronic payment This is an alternative way for the consumer.” However, he warned that “for natural and legal persons who do not guarantee payment facilities, the RCC will move to suspend the activity. withdrawal of commercial certificate,

In addition, authorities can impose fines, close the establishment and, if non-compliance with the measure is found repeatedly, they plan to confiscate “the instruments, equipment, goods or effects giving rise to the violation.” Let’s make it.”

“Resolution 93 is directed at natural and legal persons who carry out commercial activities subject to registration in the registry, and at those involved in wholesale trade, sale of goods, gastronomic and social food services, as well as commercial and technical services of use .Personal and Household”, as specified by the Government.

Only establishments located in silent areas are excluded, and they must have a certificate issued by the Cuban Telecommunications Company S.A. (Atexa).

In late 2023 the government complained that Private businesses oppose the banking process, Manuel Marrero warned entrepreneurs that “no one can refuse to allow customers to pay electronically.”

(Tags to translate)Cuban news(T)Cuban applications(T)Mobile applications(T)Cuban economy(T)Cuban entrepreneurs(T)Private business in Cuba(T)Magnetic cards

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