God’s medicine: A 12th century nun sparked a new era

No matter how utopian it may seem, there is more New streams that promise eternal youth and health Through food, many of them are based on the New Age oriental worldview. Therefore, the fact that it was a religious woman of the middle ages Whoever developed healthy eating and living systems in harmony with nature and human excellence before all the new gurus is pushing boundaries.

Proof of this is the unstoppable growth of the joint resolution Much Life Classroom and Santa Hildegarda House, pedro de la herranThe classroom director announced that they are More than a thousand enrolled in the I Santa Hildegard online medicine course Approximately 50 new students are offered each month from across Spain and Latin America by both organizations.

De la Herran explains that the proposition is simple: adequate nutrition can not only provide better health, but “it is also possible to maintain a healthy life from a Catholic worldview without falling into alternative or spiritualist treatments.”

One thousand registrants value “applicable to daily life” advice

Due to the success of the first course, lots of life class Launched the second edition and are preparing new thematic courses Will announce about sadness, depression or cancer in the coming monthsamong other topics.

divided into 12 modules and taught by experts juan antonio timorThose enrolled in the Second St. Hildegard Course can delve deeper into the worldview of the saint and Doctor of the Church, her understanding of divine creation so that humans could live in harmony with it, or her own physical medical interpretations which were reflected in the worldview of the saint and Doctor of the Church. Thousands of tips, exercises and tips applicable in everyday life,

You can get more information about other courses from this link.

Juan Antonio Timor is the promoter of the House of Saint Hildegard in Spain and is responsible for Hildegardian medical courses.

Despite this being the second edition, the director of Aula Mucha Vida explains what its purpose is expand and not changeSo you can take this new course even without participating in its first edition.

Among the reasons giving rise to the proposals of St. Hildegard almost a thousand years later, de la Herran believes Interest in maintaining a healthy lifestyle increased due to the pandemicFour years from now.

“Health by faith, without strange remedies”

Until now, Catholics interested in getting advice for healthy eating had to consult In line with those proposed by orientalist currentsBut this option allows them to do so from anywhere in the world and, above all, have a sense of “returning to the core of who we are”. Health and nutrition “from a Catholic worldview without getting into strange treatments”,

He also believes that, if in St. Hildegard’s time there was a “more intimate relationship with nature”, then industrialization, with all its advantages, “has taken food away from nature.”

On the other hand, St. Hildegard’s way of eating “requires a very complete vision of man”. Harmony with nature and also a vision of God as creator and good father This gives us what we need,” he explains.

You can get St. Hildegard’s Manual of Medicine (free books) here.

If de la Herran were to focus on the most valuable aspect, he would highlight the possibility of Implement changes in everyday life “from day one.”

“By understanding everything the saint said and following his advice, he has changed the lives of many people. Many students say so.” They’ve seen big improvements by making small changes to their daily routine“, he says.

This details another curious aspect that emerges from St. Hildegard’s worldview and that is Consistency of life. What does this have to do with food? Well, “How we live and behave towards others has a tremendous impact on our bodies.” And among the many ways to avoid diseases, St. Hildegard also called for seeking “perfect health” which also includes seeking the soul.,

You can access a free webinar on St. Hildegard’s medicine from this link.

In this way, a healthy lifestyle from food is also reflected in some of the “golden rules” of St. Hildegard, “let your food be your medicine”, seeking a “balance” between work, rest and prayer or “negative change”. Psychosocial traits come into play in generous acts of love.”

Golden Rules for Dealing with Depression and Other Illnesses

exactly this Six “Golden Rules” Create an excellent module of the course, as well as others such as “St. Hildegard’s art of healing,kitchen poison“, The healthy meal And the saint’s “main remedies”, happiness cookies and spells or Disease prevention and treatment According to religion.

With all this, those enrolled in the course will have a Comprehensive Supplemental Documentation to deepen.

De la Herran said that, at the launch of its second edition, lots of life class is also offering 25% off on your coursesas well as a gift free webinar Which allows you to learn about “St. Hildegard’s home medicine cabinet” or the first golden rule at any time.

Registered people will also be able to rely on this Books in electronic formatAs St. Hildegard’s Manual of MedicineHe Vade Mecum or one who specializes in suffering and the treatments offered by nuns Cope with depression and sadness.

You can find out more about St. Hildegard’s First Course by clicking here.

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