Buying and selling used cars in Mexico has become an experience of danger and terror

scams and theftThe Buying and Selling Used Cars in Mexicohas been made dangerous and even frightening experiences,

On February 21, the YouTube channel of Mexico City’s Command, Control, Computing, Communications and Civil Liaison Center (C5) shared a video capturing elements of the Civil Protection Secretariat (SSC). Two men who stole money from a man they called to sell a car and from whom Contacted through social networks,

In photos taken by C2-Poniente on August 26, 2023, three men are seen arriving at the meeting venue on a motorcycle. El Paraíso neighborhood, from the office of Álvaro Obregón MayorTo fulfill its real purpose, to snatch away from the buyer the cash he has.

Due to camera surveillance, SSC police traced the location where the thieves were hiding and took two of them into custody placed at the disposal of the public ministry, Besides, they recovered 20 thousand pesos cashThe equivalent of about eleven hundred dollars.

This type of theft, which involves negotiations for the purchase and sale of vehicles, has become common, For example, on February 2 this year, CDMX police caught two subjects who robbed a person about which he told the authorities Had entered the Mexican capital for the purpose of buying a car,

The criminals fled in a car and hid in a hotel, where SSC elements detained them and then sent them to the Public Ministry, where they were charged with the crime of robbery against a passerby.

Cyber ​​Police of SSC of Mexico City Alerted the population about this type of crime and expressed through a statement: “For those who want to buy a car or motorcycle They are asked to verify the profiles of sellers before making any monetary transactions or purchasing products.,

“After receiving various reports from fraud victims, cyber authorities have identified through patrolling the internet, Offers for non-existent or stolen motorcycles or vehicleswhich are Promoted by scammers working with fake profiles, Modes of operation include Attract users with images of cars and motorcycles at very low prices“, He mentioned.

Therefore he recommended: Verify the identity of the seller or buyer before transacting, check their history, authenticate vehicle document, pay with bank transfer or online payment, meet in public and safe places and avoid remote or unknown locations,

This type of crime occurs not only in the Mexican capital, but also in Pachuca, HidalgoA similar crime was recorded in July last year in Colonia San Antonio el Desmonte, where criminals called a man to sell him a car for 140 thousand pesos, about $7,800, but when they arrived at the scene They killed him with a gun, looted his money and fled the spot.,

Ministry of Public Security puebla He also warned about this crime through his TikTok account, where he asked people if they suspected it Fraudulent publications on Facebook Marketplace will be reported to Cyber ​​Police,

Even in December 2023, the agency had told through one of its videos that when the work of buying and selling cars is done. Citizens can request assistance from municipal police by simply calling 911,

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