Can you mix turmeric with cinnamon? Health has these effects on your body. magazine

Currently, the use of turmeric and cinnamon to prepare home remedies is so common that these are two ingredients that cannot be lacking in the home.

Its many health benefits have made it so popular over the years that many people consume it both alone and with other spices for better effects, but what happens if you mix turmeric with cinnamon?

If you want to lower blood sugar and metabolize insulin better you can prepare turmeric tea like this.

Turmeric is a plant native to southwestern India. Photo: Freepik.

Can you mix turmeric with cinnamon?

From the El Financiero website they mention countless combinations with turmeric and its use in certain foods, but when it is mixed with cinnamon it can have unexpected effects on the body.

As reported in Medical News Today, turmeric contains a main ingredient called curcumin with “powerful biological properties.”

It is considered a powerful anti-inflammatory, relieves arthritis pain, improves liver function, helps in better digestion and may have an effect on reducing the risk of developing cancer. It also contains nutrients like iron, copper and magnesium as well as vitamins and minerals.

Turmeric tea is used as a home remedy to reduce inflammation. Photo: Freepik.

On the other hand, cinnamon also has anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties that interfere with certain aspects of health.

Cinnamon has anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties. Photo: Freepik.

What are the effects of turmeric with cinnamon?

Making black tea by mixing both ingredients into an infusion can help ease the discomfort and if you add a touch of lemon and honey, it can be even better.

Mixing both the spices in tea has the following benefits:

  • they fight inflammation
  • They improve blood circulation
  • They prevent the formation of oxides
  • They help eliminate toxins from the body, although this is a job the kidneys already do themselves.
  • They may contribute to reducing the risk of heart disease
  • They may help control blood sugar.
  • They improve the activation of brain function.

How to make and take turmeric with cinnamon

Better With Health recommends drinking turmeric tea with cinnamon right after breakfast or your main meal of the day.

To prepare the infusion you have to heat a cup of water, when it boils add half a teaspoon of turmeric or equivalent to 2.5 grams and a teaspoon of cinnamon powder (5 grams). Leave it on for 15 minutes and rest for 10 minutes. Strain and sweeten with a little honey.

Turmeric tea with cinnamon has health benefits. Photo: Asa K E Pixabay


Although much is said about the benefits of turmeric, the European Food Safety Agency (EFSA) still does not support it, according to a review. financial Since in the case of cinnamon “its health effects remain uncertain”.

“These spices are generally safe to consume in amounts used in cooking or in beverages like Golden Milk,” explains dietitian Ali Webster, quoted by the outlet.

It should be remembered that these are ingredients for alternative treatments that do not replace any medication in any situation, so it is advisable to consult a doctor before consumption. (yo)

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