HM Hospitals to host International Summit on Sports Medicine on March 20 and 21

Madrid will become the world capital of sports medicine With the celebration of the International Elite Sports Medicine Conference organized by the Futbol Doctors Network on 20 and 21 March. This scientific summit will bring together the best medical minds from renowned European football clubs, American sports franchises, surgeons and more. from them, Lakers and New York Yankees doctors

Held at HM Sancchinaro University HospitalThe purpose of the conference is to start a conversation on athlete safety and bring the applications of sports medicine to the general public. Medical students from around the world are invited to participate, free of charge, to foster the next generation of sports medicine professionals.

In full and busy schedule Among the events taking place during this summit, these are the main ones:

  • “Emergency Care on the Field” by Dr. Gary O’Driscoll (Manchester United)
  • “Bringing aspects of care for elite athletes closer to the general public” by Dr. Nico Mihi (Real Madrid)
  • “Winning the Nobel Prize” by Dr. Carl Hendrik-Heldin (Chairman of the Nobel Prize Committee)
  • Dr. Christopher S. “Anatomy of Performance” by Ahmed (New York Yankees)
  • “Cartilage Repair” by Dr. Christopher Jones (Los Angeles Lakers)

Nico Mihic, one of Real Madrid’s doctors, and Jose Maria Villalon of Atlético de Madrid will also take part in the event. white team doctor has assessed the need for such an initiative To improve the health of elite athletes: “Elite athletes require specialized care. This summit is a unique opportunity to share best practices and push the boundaries of sports medicine, ultimately benefiting athletes and the general public. will be”


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