Challenges of pharmaceutical research for greater precision and personalization

A new anticipando report prepared by the Roche Institute Foundation’s Observatory of Trends in Future Medicine offers a similar analysis, called “Pharmacological Research in the Era of Personalized Precision Medicine.”

Technological and biological advances of recent decades have allowed genomic sequencing, big data analysis, and more recently artificial intelligence tools.

This helps not only to understand genetic predisposition to certain diseases, but also to understand individual response to treatment and find markers or targets that may help drugs optimize their effectiveness and reduce side effects. Let’s personalize to reduce.

With the provision of data and real-life evidence of the effects of drugs
And with the increasing digitalization of clinical research, advances can also be applied to optimize trial design and identify new molecules or new targets in a more efficient manner to reduce time and cost in the future of medicinal research. Needed

Trends in basic or preclinical research include the identification of new therapeutic targets and therapeutic mechanisms, while in clinical research, the design of new clinical trials, together with patients, is considered.

An example of a new design is a basket-type clinical trial that involves populations that share similar biomarkers or molecular alterations and who are targeted by a single therapy to evaluate its effect on multiple pathologies with similar targets. Treatment is done.

Recommendations for pharmaceutical research

The experts participating in this new Anticipando report, coordinated by Dr. Mabel Loza, Professor of Pharmacology at the University of Santiago de Compostela, point to a series of recommendations so that medicinal research can be more easily transferred to clinical practice .

“The need for a paradigm shift in research aimed at reducing the time and optimizing the processes of obtaining new, more effective and safe drugs, taking into account the needs and individual characteristics of patients, within the framework of personalized medicine precision,” the document indicates.

These are the actions highlighted by experts in the Roche Institute Foundation report:

  • Design translational preclinical models and technologies that allow their validity to be measured as current models are based on cellular, tissue or animal models that do not always reproduce human physiology. An example of this are organoids and other models such as those that start from a person’s cells.
  • Integrate and share information from the various sources that exist today and make it available to researchers.
  • To promote coordinated, collaborative and multidisciplinary research. Furthermore, with the advent of new technological and computational advances, the need arises to include new professional profiles in research teams.
  • To increase the spread of knowledge about medicinal research in the society. Transparently communicating scientific advances and discoveries will help understand their value, build trust, and promote informed patient participation in clinical trials.
  • Adequately funding research is essential to develop innovative treatments, medicines and medical technologies. Furthermore, promoting research boosts the country’s economy by creating employment and encouraging the growth of emerging industries. However, the report shows that Spain currently invests 1.44% of its GDP in R&D, far from the average of European countries, which stood at 2.27% in 2021.
  • To promote public-private collaboration to contribute to accelerating the development of innovative treatments, facilitating the arrival of new medicines to patients, and improving the efficiency of processes, thus promoting significant advances in global health.
  • Establish mechanisms that guarantee that policies and regulations on medicinal research are updated based on advances and trends in personalized precision medicine, which is necessary to adapt to more rapidly occurring scientific and technological advances, Due to which regulation in this area sometimes becomes obsolete.

Source EFE.


(TagstoTranslate)Pharmaceuticals(T)Pharmacological(T)Genomic Sequencing

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