Collagen loss: 6 habits to prevent it, according to aesthetic medicine experts

Collagen Loss: When It Happens

According to the data provided by the doctor Paolo Facchini Flemingfrom the medical field of beauty conceptWe refer: “Between At ages 25 and 30 we start reducing by 1% collagen annual. This process has become faster since 40 years”says the expert, who advises it to act by preserving the remaining collagen and re-stimulating its production. And it is (partially) possible good daily habits, Although beauty therapy You can do this too – collagen inducers in the form of injections and radiofrequency are some great innovations in this field – it is essential to adopt some daily practices to prevent this degradation. As Facchini explains, “Good habits really do make a difference, which is why we always try before any medical treatment. reeducate patients To achieve optimal results in that sense.

And even more so if we take into account another (obvious) statement that the doctors give us. Ruiz Properties And Maria Vicente When we asked him about the exact age at which this slowdown in collagen production occurs: “It happens when we stop growing And aging starts from the age of 24. At that age we still don’t notice it externally, but our internal aging has already begun,” he says, before delivering the good news: “This aging will depend on our genetics and our skin type. , but will also depend on our habits and care. All this will more or less slow down collagen production. Furthermore, experts point out that although we cannot change genetics, it only plays a 25% role in the aging process. and the rest is epigenetics, “Or what is it, Habits and habitat, “We can influence our skin and our health in general by 75%.”

What is collagen and how does it affect the youthfulness of the skin?

“Collagen is The most abundant protein in the human body and is produced due to the action of cells called fibroblasts, Its main function is to create and maintain the structures of the tissues that make up the body, producing resistant, strong and flexible fibers known as collagen fibers. These fibers attach to connective tissues such as tendons, muscles or skin and are affected with aging, as dermal cellular metabolism slows down rapidly, affecting the speed of collagen synthesis,” explains the doctor. sea ​​viewOf Mira + Quito Clinic, To which Dr. Facchini says: “Reduction in collagen, along with loss of elastin (an essential protein responsible for providing elasticity to the skin) and dehydration of the skin, are the three major factors that influence skin aging. “

question of good habits

Nature rules, but only partially. Although it is true, as Dr. Mira points out, that the ability to produce collagen is not as strong as it was at age 30. menopause -In this case it will always decrease-, “Age is not the only determining factor in the rate of collagen production and/or loss.” That’s when good habits come in handy:

#1. Limit sun exposure and use SPF daily

“Ultraviolet radiation affects the production of collagen in the skin, due to the oxidation produced by UV rays, contributing to the rapid destruction of collagen and a reduction in its production. It is necessary to use it adequate photoprotection”says the experts at Clinica Mira + Quito.

#2. Green Tea and Ginger Infusion

This is one of the expert recommendations of beauty conceptwhich emphasizes that daily water consumption and of injection In general it is necessary to increase the skin’s native hyaluronic acid. In fact, he enthusiastically recommends antioxidant and anti-inflammatory infusions such as green tea And this Ginger, “An example of its benefits are Asian patients who combine a diet rich in phytoestrogens derived from soy with rigorous use of sun protection and the benefits of these extracts.”

#3. collagen rich foods

This protein, as Mira explains, can be found in:

  1. Meat (chicken, turkey, pork).
  2. fish Like tuna and salmon.
  3. dairy,
  4. crazy,
  5. full of foods vitamin C (tomatoes, strawberries, oranges, peppers, etc.) to help with collagen production

#4. Reduce fat and sugar intake

And processed foods. “Due to their low-quality proteins they affect the production of collagen and elastin,” explains Meera.

#5. avoid lack of hydration

And that means not only doing this through cosmetic products, but also promoting body hydration – “Our cells need water to regenerate and eliminate toxins,” says Dr. Meera. – And damp Through humidifiers, especially in dry climates.

#6. Avoid consumption of tobacco and alcohol

This is obvious, but it is worth remembering how they negatively affect the skin, deforming collagen fibers, affecting excess fluid in the body And for oxygenation and nutrition of cells.


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