Competition in medicine increases in these courses

degree of Medicine This represents a six-year challenge for students that is not always easy to face. And if, for the intensity of the subjects and the difficulty of the curriculum, we add a “Poor relations” between coworkers.this “extra difficulty” can complicate the course. Rivalry between medical students has been analyzed in a survey by medical writing And the results show that more than half confirm this. In the final stage coexistence “becomes complicated”. Of degree.

especially 52 percent of those surveyed option of Relationships “have become complicated in recent years”, Without a doubt, this assessment wins by an overwhelming majority, only after 29 percent Those surveyed assured that the relationship “Good during degree.” In fact, the survey of this newspaper has been echoed on social networks with comments from medical students, who support the point of view that “there is rivalry in degrees”, as the user @minimalismm_ assures: “Whoever says no is no longer a student.”,

Third, with a 11 percentStudents believe there is a relationship between classmates “Bad since the first day of the race” and only one 8 percent conclude that it is “much better than the first year”., And very few comments indicate that these relationships have been positive from the very first moment. @dorMIRlona insists: “Haven’t you seen MIR and MIR post? Well, the same but at the university level.”

Competition in the final stages of treatment

Some students have analyzed the relationship between their views of medical careers and those of colleagues who have been in it. Daniel, a student who is in his sixth and final year, defines the environment in the classroom as “good”, but he recognizes that Sometimes “fights happen” between coworkers., One of the main signs of competitiveness can be notes, and although Daniel points out that, in general, “there is no problem,” he knows of cases in which “Notes have been requested when class is missed And they have been rejected.”

“I know colleagues who have stepped back or Condemned the conditions that benefited the majority Because they considered it ‘immoral’. a coworker told me this Going to 9 was not within my reach, but it was within his reach., There are classmates who make lists of people who have better grades than them in order to compete and beat them in the next grade and there are classmates who go to test review with an 8.5 because they consider it a bad grade. ,” he recalls.

More rivalry in medicine than nursing

The profile of a medical student is different from the profile of one of the nursing Since the atmosphere in the classrooms of these degrees is Does not always meet the same characteristics, This was confirmed to this newspaper by George, who has completed his Nursing degree and is currently studying the sixth and final year of Medicine and, therefore, has a full perspective of both and assures that in Medicine, “Competitiveness is the order of the day.”.

One of the main causes of competitiveness in medicine is the “structural problem”. According to George, The system is designed to “push” students To feel the “compulsive need” to be above the rest: “From the Ebau cut-off mark to reach medicine for the assignment of a place after MIR, in which Academic records count for 10 percent of the grade“. This opinion is confirmed in networks such as the assessment of @RecklessinSnos, who assures that this competitiveness in degrees is something “completely unnecessary when being a doctor involves teamwork” and that “Toxic Environment” It is promoted “from the faculties” by those who teach in them. Another possible reason in his opinion, in his own words, is the ‘nature’ of both subjects. “Nursing is a more humane and empathetic career than medicine.”,

Although it may include statements, data, or notes from health institutions or professionals, the information contained in medical writing is edited and prepared by journalists. We advise the reader to consult a health care professional with any health related questions.

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