Condemnation against Maduro dictatorship grows: Colombia and Brazil express concern about elections in Venezuela

Dictator Maduro once again organizes elections to suit his needs (Reuters/Leonardo Fernandez Viloria)

In Venezuela, more and more voices are being raised against a new electoral process marred by irregularities. this Tuesday The governments of Colombia and Brazil, close to the Nicolás Maduro regime, expressed their concerns about the development of the electoral process in the Caribbean country.

The government of Gustavo Petro expressed its concern about the difficulties the Venezuelan opposition would face in registering their candidacies for the presidential elections on 28 July.

“Colombia expresses its concern about the recent events that occurred on the occasion of the registration of some presidential candidates, especially with regard to Difficulties faced by majority opposition sectors such as the Democratic Unitary Platform (PUD) and Vente Venezuela MovementThe Ministry of External Affairs said in a statement.

For the government of Colombia, one of the main allies of the Chavista regime, These decisions “may affect the confidence of some sectors of the international community in the transparency and competitiveness of the electoral process.” Which will conclude with the presidential elections on July 28.”

The PUD, the main opposition coalition in Venezuela, condemned on Monday that it could not nominate the candidacy of historian Corina Yorris and rejected the fact that the National Electoral Council (CNE) did not give reasons.

The Petro government is one of the main allies of the Venezuelan regime (Europa Press)

“Nicolás Maduro did not allow the nomination of a unitary candidacy. “We were never granted access to the application system”noted the PUD in a message published yesterday at 00:00 local time (4:00 GMT) at the end of the registration period.

However, one who was able to register at the last minute was Manuel Rosales, the current governor of Zulia state, who will appear in the election as a candidate for the Un Nuevo Tiempo (UNT) party. Amidst the controversy over her registration, this Tuesday when María Corina Machado was asked if she supported any of the registered candidates, she said emphatically: “My candidate is still Corina Yorris.”

In that sense, the Colombian Foreign Ministry assured today that it had “constant communication” and that the necessary arrangements had been made “through formal and informal diplomatic channels.” Call on parties in Venezuela to comply with the provisions of the Barbados Agreement.

The gesture refers to the agreement reached last October between the Maduro regime and the opposition, by which the United States lifted some of the sanctions imposed on Caracas.

After the controversial registration of Manuel Rosales, María Corina Machado insisted that her candidate for the election would remain Corina Yoris (EFE/Miguel Gutiérrez).

“Colombia reiterates its full respect for the sovereignty and autonomy of the Venezuelan people (…) At the same time, Reiterates the need for a free, fair and competitive presidential election process in Venezuela“Where citizen participation is promoted through voting as a mechanism of democratic expression,” the information added.

Similarly, the government, which various sectors have been urging for weeks to reject what happened in Venezuela, asked for “political and electoral guarantees equally for all political actors”, as this “within the framework of democracy A fundamental axis.

“Colombia will continue to offer its good offices whenever necessary to pursue efforts, through discreet and confidential diplomatic channels, to maintain an environment conducive to the realization of the democratic solutions proposed, agreed and received by Venezuelans. Allows,” concluded. Chancellor.

Following the publication of the statement from the Colombian Foreign Ministry, The Venezuelan dictatorship accused the Petro government of “gross interference” in the electoral process.

“Motivated by the need to please the designs of the United States State DepartmentThe Colombian Foreign Ministry takes a wrong step and grossly intervenes in matters that concern only Venezuelans, the Chavista Foreign Minister wrote on his social networks. Yvan Gill.

For its part, the Brazilian government also expressed its “concern” about the development of the electoral process in Venezuela and assured that there are “obstacles” to the registration of Corina Yorris’s candidacy. “Barbados is not friendly to agreements.”

Lula da Silva was very close to dictator Maduro after returning to power in Venezuela (Reuters/Euseley Marcelino)

A note issued said, “Based on the available information, it is observed that the candidate indicated by the Unitary Platform, a political opposition force, and on which no judicial decision was taken, was prevented from registering which is not consistent with the Barbados Agreements.” By the Brazilian Ministry of Foreign Affairs.

He also reiterated that “Brazil is ready to cooperate closely with the international community so that the (electoral) trial announced on July 28 can be a strong step towards normalizing political life in Venezuela and strengthening democracy.” Likewise, he emphasizes the Brazilian government’s “rejection of any type of sanctions, which, in addition to being illegal, only contribute to the isolation of Venezuela and increase the suffering of its people.”

Chavista Foreign Minister Yvan Gil also gave a strong reaction to the Lula government. “The Ministry of Popular Power for Foreign Relations of the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela rejects gray and intrusive statement“Written by officials of the Brazilian Foreign Ministry, who appear to be directed from the United States Department of State, where comments are issued full of profound ignorance and ignorance about the political reality in Venezuela,” he said in a statement. ”

And he adds: “The Venezuelan Government has maintained conduct faithful to the principles governing diplomatic and friendly relations with Brazil; under no circumstances does this issue become an issue, nor does it affect the political and judicial situation occurring in that country. Will issue value judgments about the processes.” “As a result, it has the ethos of demanding strict respect for the principle of non-interference in internal affairs and our democracy, which is one of the strongest in the region.”

In the text, Foreign Minister Gil assured that Venezuela would hold the elections “without the interference or patronage of any foreign power”, and despite rejecting the Brazilian Foreign Ministry’s statement, he called on President Lula to condemn the blockade and the imposed sanctions. Gave thanks to. By states. Unite for Maduro dictatorship.

(with information from EFE)

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