The day Penelope Cruz had to do Salma Hayek’s hair and makeup in the dark for a premiere

In an interview with the Spanish edition of HePenelope Cruz recalls the moment she improvised as a hairdresser and makeup artist for her co-worker.

If Penelope Cruz had not pursued a career in cinema, she might have become a hairdresser. Proof, actress of ferrari As she points out in an interview with the magazine, she has already successfully applied her talents to her friend Salma Hayek He Spanish Published this Wednesday March 20. Actually, his co-star in the film Bandidas She would have completely surrendered her beauty to him in unexpected circumstances. “Once my friend Salma (Hayek) said to me: ‘There’s a power outage at home, the makeup artist and the hair stylist can’t come, and I have a preview. I want you to come and do my hair and makeup. ” And I (say), “Come on, let’s try”. We did it with candles, and it didn’t go bad!” he recalls, laughing.

like mother like daughter

Lancôme Muse’s passion for aesthetics and craftsmanship may have developed in her childhood thanks to her mother. “I spent a lot of time at the salon where she worked, because it wasn’t just a hair salon: we also did manicures, pedicures, waxing… My sister (Monica Cruz) and I, Pili and Millie (a) Like the pair of Spanish comic actresses who were made up of twins, editor’s note), we would go there every day to eat and, after school, we would come back,” she says. “There, we had a lot of Saw something, the work of my mother and her colleagues, and the kind of therapy sessions that were created between them and clients. They weren’t just going to change their appearance, it was a kind of confessional.”

This “therapeutic” dimension of aesthetics sparks the curiosity of young Penelope, who eventually acquires new skills. “I pretended to study, but actually I was watching all these scenes. And one of the things I understood there was that the goal of these women, more than feeling beautiful, was to make time for themselves, a ritual of self-care,” she adds, explaining that “somehow, With everything we’ve seen over the years, whether it’s curling, drying, cutting, straightening or curling, we’ve learned to do it too.” We’d happily hand our hair over to them.

Stars reveal themselves without makeup

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(TagstoTranslate)Penelope Cruz(T)Salma Hayek(T)Hairstyle(T)Makeup(T)Beauty(T)Makeup(T)Makeup(T)Care(T)Fitness(T)Wellness(T)Perfume(T)Haircut

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